2008-4-28 04:00:00
The next principle is actually two related principles -- Being and Becoming.
What is the definition of these two states and the difference between them?
To put it most simply I would say this. Becoming is the act of moving ahead with a decision to be actively involved in the creative process. To Become is to create.
To enter the state of Being one merely rests from the creative process. Being is basically rest and relaxation (R&R).
What is the basic principle that explains these two states?
Basically it is the night and day or the two cycles of the creative process of existence.
Some say we should concentrate on just "Being." Where is the correct emphasis that we should place on these two states?
Do we want to sleep all the time or work all the time? Neither. We want a balance of the two.
All things manifest in Trinities. Is there a third state? What is it?
This is an interesting question that takes us into territory not covered by most teachers -- .
Many enter into the restful state of Being during meditation and the rest is so blissful that it is assumed to be our final most desirable state. Few realize that Being in this existence is merely a vehicle for rest. The time to take a long rest is when the creative workday is done. To take more than a short nap in the middle of the creative day is folly. Take the nap when the work is done.
One member presented the idea that there are several states of being and this is true. There are also several states or degrees of Becoming, but neither of these is the third state.
The third state cannot be achieved in this existence.
Let us use the Law of Correspondences and examine our three states in general living. The first is our general waking state (Becoming) and the second is our sleep state (Being). Where then is our third state?
It is death.
We cannot be dead while we are living in the body. Even so we cannot enter the third state while living in this existence anywhere in the seven planes.
What then is the third state?
Dan used the right words: "Not Being."
In the beginning of our existence in this universe the call went forth to all monads:
"To Be or not to Be. That is the question."
Those who responded to the call came forth and experienced "Being" and "Becoming."
Those who did not respond are still in the third state of "not Being." They exist, but just in an abstract esoteric level and will one day choose "to Be."
Those who chose "to Be" cannot go back to "not Being" unless they chose the dark, left-hand path that leads to the destruction of all the sheaths and clothing of existence.
Thus even though Being is often presented as a state of nothingness those who teach such know not what true nothingness is. True nothingness (as far as this reality is concerned) is the state of not Being that cannot be entered when one is linked to the physical, astral, mental or energy bodies. If you are here living on the earth you have not experienced "not Being" since you have decided "to Be."
Global Warming Enlightenment
Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace does not accept the manmade global warming theory and backs the use of nuclear energy.
Read More Global Warming Enlightenment Quotes.
Word for the Day
Incubus: Noun (pl. incubi /ingkyoobi/) (10) A male demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women. (2) Archaic nightmare.
Recommended Reading:
Spiritual Principles
What Are You Deciding To Become?
Duality & Nothingness
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