1999-6-26 08:11:00
Xavier asks:
"Don't Masters work on the mental plane, where they create and vivify certain thought-forms that are afterwards received and "translated" by disciples all over the world? That's what I understood."
This is true for concepts that humanity is approaching in their consciousness.
Let me give you a couple of these.
(1) The concept that there are a group of disciples on the earth that are scattered among all people and groups yet as a whole identify with none. The fact that there is this group of "new world servers" is a thoughtform available to the masses.
(2) The realization that we can hurt by attempting to help through wrong methods. From this comes the idea than an "enabler" may prolong pain rather than solve it.
(3) Over the past ten years the differences in political thought have been accentuated, forcing many people to formulate their beliefs in the light of day.
(4) Over the past thirty years businesses have become more group conscious and some see employees as an extended family giving more benefits through free will.
These four improvements are sample areas where the Masters send a general energy that can be picked up by those who are ready to help with the progress of the world.
On the other hand specific teachings that stimulate higher evolution are not thrown out randomly into the ethers for all to pick up.
It is true that all truth is available through the soul when the disciple is ready, but as far as the work of the Masters is concerned, they are very discerning about the specific knowledge that they make available to disciples.
There is much knowledge, many keys and formulas that have been sealed up for thousands of years that the Brotherhood will not yet release and would cause great harm if they did. It has been written that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Perhaps it should be written "a little premature knowledge is a dangerous thing."
When new specific teachings are given out they are presented in an orderly manner with very little duplication. Duplication of efforts by giving the teachings to many would violate two laws the Brotherhood live by which are:
(1) The law of economy
(2) The Principle of incorruption.
It is the disciple's job to give the teachings to the many.
Let us take the keys of knowledge for instance. It would take a lot of duplication of effort to give them out to a dozen disciples. To accomplish this task the Masters would have to neglect other work, thus they rely on the law of economy.
Through following the principle of incorruption the Masters attempt to present new teachings in as pure of a form as the written word can be. If the same teachings were given to a dozen disciples they would all present them in a dozen different variations causing much confusion as to who has the best version. The end result is that there would be much division and no good version would be accepted by the masses.
The teachers of the human race must work with the limitation of words which often make the transmission of core truths difficult. This is why soul contact is so essential.
Let us take the teachings given through Alice A. Bailey with which I know you are familiar. The Masters picked one person for the above stated reasons. There was not disciple A, B and C out there giving out similar teachings. The teachings were uniquely given out through her and there was nothing out there to compete with them for the Brotherhood does not compete with each other in the normal sense.
The inhabitants of the Kingdom of God work like a finely tuned engine. Each entity has his part to play that is not in competition with the other parts. When each does play his part correctly the engine runs smoothly. The Masters do not say "we need a spark plug so let us make this place available to all." So how could the engine run with a thousand spark plugs and no spark plug wires?
There is a part for all according to desire and ability, but we all have different rolls to play at various times. We do change rolls from time to time, but when you move on your job must be replaced by another.
Yes, my projections on the group do sound visionary and possibly impractical, but there are two important reasons why it may just happen.
The teachings I present are confirmed by soul contact.
I will not take my attention away from putting energy into the group, the promotion of The Immortal Series and other writings to be published.
And Zia: my comment about the teachings of the Course In Miracles sometimes doing more harm than good was not a criticism of the book itself. The Bible creates the same problem as evidenced by all the weird religious beliefs proclaimed about. Because of illusionary teachings presented in the name of the Bible this great book is held in disrepute by many intelligent people of the planet who could receive much benefit by reading it.
A Course in Miracles and other inspired books are often distorted by self deceived teachers to the extent that the general public receives a very erroneous impression of their true value. The teachers of the race do their best to avoid this corruption, but until the majority receives soul contact, no inspired teaching will be correctly understood by the masses and many of the teachers.
Zia also writes:
"JJ just as a matter of interest on the 'future' of our list and the internet connection?was directed to 'hearme.com' as a 'free' site that provides video/voice, whiteboard, and chat room capabilities. I would put this to our 'technical guides' to perhaps check out; we might all meet sooner than expected through the genius of technology."
This technology is growing fast. Even now there is quite a bit we could do with video and audio, but because of limitations of time I will have to put off these endeavors for a while. On the other hand, my sense is that when I do have the time to plunge into other methods of teaching that there will be improved technology that will be a great help to us.
The 10 Commandments of E-mail were great Glenys; especially "Thou shalt read thine own message thrice before thou sendest it." Doing this has saved me much embarrassment. As you can tell I do not always obey this commandment and some strange typos show up from time to time.
Spam is the sending out of one message to many Newsgroups, mailing lists or E-mail addresses without their permission. I personally think this is obnoxious for discussion groups, but I do support limited Spam for E-mail. Many E-Mail Spammers will not remove you from their lists even if you request it and this ruins promotion and contact by many who may be more considerate.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved