2008-4-11 11:38:00
Quoting JJ from The Archives, Larry Kennon wrote:
"When Purpose vibrates with the objective of creating divine art, or manifest form, then the illusion of two separate energies is created. These energies, or aspects, are Love and Light, and are not separate from Purpose any more than Purpose is separate from Life. Purpose, Love, and Light are three Aspects of the One Life. They are one energy, but appear to be three energies. They are the One in Three, and the Three in One. They are the energies of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
"One of the best illustrations of this is the guitar string. When it is stationary there is before you only one string, but as soon as you pluck it there is immediately produced the illusion of three strings. There appears to be three strings until the vibration ends. Then we see one string again.
The Molecular Relationship, Creation, Chapter 1
Larry then continued with:
"I came across the above quote the other day, and having a classical guitar hanging on the wall, decided it might be interesting to test this. So I plucked one of the bass strings and noticed that I did not see the illusion of three strings as depicted in quote above. What I see immediately on plucking the string is the appearance of two strings, one to the left, and one to the right (looking directly at the face of the guitar as the string is plucked, the guitar of course being held in a vertical position).
"I don't think this should surprise us. When you pluck the string it immediately moves in one direction until it reaches the maximum limit of that vibration then for some very small instant of time it stops just before it reverses direction and goes to the other extreme or maximum limit on the other side of the vibration. Then again at the maximum it stops for a tiny fraction of a second before going back in the other direction.
"What we see as the illusion of two strings is those two points at the extremes of the swing where the string comes to a stop (and the rest of the time the string is a blur due to the speed at which it is moving).
"The other interesting thing to notice is that the illusion of these two strings is further enhanced by the appearance of these two strings which are initially separated to the maximum extent coming back together until they are one string again as the vibration dies down and loses energy.
"So while the guitar string does not appear -- at least in my experiment -- to reproduce the effect described in the above quote, it does seem to suggest the principle of duality in an interesting way.
"Before the string is plucked there is no duality. One sees only one string. After energy is applied to the string then duality is demonstrated (at least as an optical illusion) but in the end the duality fades out and the single string reappears again.
"Perhaps the principle is that the dualities of existence are the product of the energy or purpose that God manifested into creation but like the guitar string, that energy or purpose must always return back to the singularity that existed before the creation of the universe, when either energy or purpose are exhausted for that one note."
JJ then responded to the above with:
I just went and plucked my guitar and saw three strings as advertised.
In response, Larry then wrote:
"Go to the page I mentioned:
"'Standing Waves on a String':
"Look at the first photo down from top of the page which 'shows a resonant standing wave on a string. It is driven by a vibrator at 120 Hz.'
"I clearly see two strings on the guitar like you see in the above picture.
"Perhaps we have other people who have guitars who can report on what they see?"
I just plucked my guitar some more. Two strings are most prominent, but then a third string can be seen floating down the middle. Sometimes this is not obvious and it just looks like two strings.
Either way a great truth is illustrated. If the point of purpose is invisible or hard to see then this fits in the Law of Correspondences.
In a related message Cindy wrote:
"In every case where I saw three strings, the center string disappears very quickly."
"What I suspect you are seeing is the residual image of the string before it was plucked."
I went and plucked my guitar again and the third string in the middle is definitely not an after image. It lasts too long for the light available to burn anything into the retina.
"I think that the guitar string experiment may point to a very significant principle. It is just not the one JJ claimed for it."
It represents exactly what I claimed for it. You pluck the string, you see three strings and they correspond to the Trinity of Creation. In addition the upper and lower strings would correspond to duality but duality is also represented by the midway point which is the source. The Trinity is involved whether you see two or three strings.
Larry quoting JJ:
"You pluck the string, you see three strings...."
Larry then wrote:
"Whatever you say, but I cannot reproduce it myself. Perhaps if I stare at the sun a bit, and drink some prana enhanced water my vision will improve."
You said a while back you had a problem with your two eyes adjusting. Maybe you ought to have Robin or your kids look at the vibrating strings to see what they say. I used the heaviest string when I did it.
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