2008-4-3 08:15:00
Larry quoting JJ writes:
Larry:"Removing oneself from identification with form and focusing on the center of peace within is a basic step that must be taken by disciples."
"I don't recollect you either discussing or teaching this before. Did I miss it?
"So presumably this is something you have done? Can one ask how? Was it through some form of meditation, and if so, can you describe the kind of meditation you used and where/how you learned it?"
Actually, I have taught it before but using different words and a different approach.
For the sake of simplicity we can group all the planes and worlds into the Trinity of Matter-Soul-Spirit.
Matter is comprised of the three lower planes of the physical-etheric, the astral-emotional and the mind. Spirit, from our point of view, is the formless worlds. Some lump all the realms of spirit together in one descriptive word such as the Void, the Unmanifest, the Center of Peace, or just Spirit.
Now the worlds of Spirit interplay with the worlds of form for all form came from Spirit. Thus within each of the worlds of form is a center of peace of which the average person is completely unaware.
This center of peace can be accessed by the seeker through the soul.
When this is accomplished on the physical level the seeker realizes that creation is composed of more than physical reality. He takes a taste of spiritual energy and thus begins his quest to find where this unseen world will lead him. This is the first initiation.
Next the seeker discovers the emotions are getting in the way of his discovery of Spirit so he places attention on mastering and detaching himself from them. When he realizes he is not his emotions then a door is open to access the peace of the Spirit through the emotional body.
This is the second initiation of baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit.
He frees himself from guilt (an emotional problem) through symbolic baptism and accesses the Holy Spirit through the soul.
The third obstacle is the reasoning mind. It has been very useful up to this point but now he seems to encounter many paradoxes. He is trying to use his mind as the highest tool to solve his problems and answer his questions and it just doesn't do the job for him. Often he will become an atheist for a time because his mind cannot tell him why God allows suffering in the world or why he does not come down an interfere more for the good of mankind.
Here he reaches a dead end. When he finally realizes he can only know so much on his own he will finally seek higher answers through an exercise of faith. Here he will encounter his Dweller and Angel of the Presence. After this experience he will never doubt the existence of higher realms again.
Now keep in mind that these three occurrences happen (for the first time) over a series of lifetimes.
Now to get to Larry's question. Did I access this center of peace, or the Spirit through some type of meditation technique, or some other way?
It rarely happens to me though regular meditation. The best I get from that is a quieting down of the noise of the lower bodies. That can seem peaceful, but it is not the peace of the Spirit.
Two things I find to be of great assistance:
I have never tried to force spiritual contact but have taken what has been offered as I seem to be ready. I have not been disappointed.
Now I realize that many want a simple formula for soul contact, but in the end the best way to obtain it is to go forward in the service of your fellow men and women. Get your main joy from service and it will follow as the night the day that the feelings of the Spirit will manifest -- as long as you are willing to "endure to the end."
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved