2008-3-26 15:01:00
Since Eckhart Tolle has been a point of heated discussion I thought I would pose a question directed at the heart of his teachings.
The core teaching that he puts forward and that seems to excite people is centered around the great peace and bliss one will feel if they take his advice and cease identifying with the false self or ego.
Now in the beginning of his book, "The Power of Now," he tells of how he discovered the ego, put it aside ad entered into such a strong bliss that he was so caught up he could do not much else than live in a park for a couple years.
I was curious whether his teachings had lead others to this state so I read numerous reviews of his books on Amazon. I found a lot of positive comments but could not find anyone who said his writings had lead them to a similar experience.
My question is this.
Have you or anyone you know had any such experience which is directly related to studying Tolle's writings? I know Dan had a similar experience, but it was before he read Tolle's materials. For him I would ask if studying Tolle enabled you to enter back into that state?
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