2008-3-24 14:52:00
Larry begins by quoting JJ from a previous message:
"Often times I do not even need to see the book but just hear the name of the author and the quality of his writing and presentation looms before my inner vision."
Larry then wrote:
"So what does your inner vision tell you about this book?
'Simple Explanation of Work Ideas' by Maurice Nicoll"
JJ responded by writing:
By the way, welcome back Larry.
I don't always get an impression the first time I hear a name or title but when it happens it is usually around the vibration and quality of the author more than an individual work.
When a strong impression come the first time I hear of an author or work it is usually something that is in or approaching public consciousness and it is important I become familiar with it for the sake of my teachings.
In this case I had never heard of this person before and the only thing I got on this one was to check further. I checked out a little about him on the web and yes, I like this guy. I'm not saying that I would agree with all he has written but he has some things for me and am putting him on my list of future reading material. I sense he has a good balance between left and right brain whereas Tolle is strongly right brain.
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