2008-3-24 12:46:00
Perhaps the core teaching that runs through Eckhart Tolle's writings is that we should release ourselves from identification with the pain body. It takes a little digging to get a full picture of what he means by the pain body but "the three worlds of form" would basically cover it. The three worlds of form are the physical/etheric, the emotional and the mental.
I agree with him that it is indeed an important step to detach ourselves from the worlds of form. For the average person it seems that he is the form and he indeed needs to come to the realization that he is not his body, feelings or mind. He can then come a step closer to his true self and see all that transpires in our reality from the viewpoint of the observer.
Now seeing yourself as the observer does not instantly connect one with the higher worlds through the soul, but it is an important step. What it does is remove much of the interference that produces static and thus higher consciousness and contact becomes possible.
Here are a few comments from the archives I have gathered together that expand on this subject.
Temporary identification with the lower worlds in the whole scheme of things is a positive thing for it gives us a chance to gain experience and evolve into higher states of consciousness.
Fusion with the lower worlds is not a good thing for such intense merging with the unreal makes it seem more real than true reality. The entity thus gets stuck there unable to evolve to the higher until the lower is destroyed.
Those who do so fuse are called the Dark Brotherhood and take the dark light of matter as a substitute for the bright light of the soul.
Now that we find ourselves descended into matter, we can go by this rule of thumb. Identification and/or fusion with that which is lower than our current consciousness is negative and can pull us backwards in evolution.
Identification and/or fusion with that which is higher is a positive occurrence and moves us forward in evolution.
Here then is our current situation. We have identified with the lower worlds and thus our focus of attention has drawn us here. Now the temptation is to fuse here. This temptation we must resist and seek to move higher by shifting our identification from the world before us to the kingdom of the soul.
How do we do this?
Before we can shift our identification we must make a conscious shift of attention.
This is done in three stages.
After a period of identification, the power of focused attention then does its job and the seeker then fuses with his soul. This soul infused personality then works on his next step and focuses on his Monad. He then repeats this procedure until "he and his father are one."
On a lower level we can use the principles of identification and fusion to our advantage.
Here are real world examples of where they could be used:
Jack is socially awkward and admires Jim for his smooth approach with people. He wishes he could be more like him.
Louise didn't do well in school and never finished high school. A lot of people seem to think she is not very intelligent. She is fed up with this image and now wants to change and be seen as intelligent by others.
Tony has never had much money and is fed up and wants to change his financial situation to one of abundance.
How can these three use identification and fusion to accomplish their goals?
To understand how these two principles can apply to these examples and ourselves on a practical basis perhaps it would be a good idea to go back to a book I read many years ago.
It was called "Psycho-Cybernetics" and was written by a plastic surgeon named Maxwell Maltz.
After practicing plastic surgery for a number of years, he noticed an interesting effect on many of his patients. An improvement made on their looks was followed by a positive change in their personality. A more pleasant face made then a more pleasant and outgoing person.
He then came to the conclusion that they real key to positive change was not so much physical change, but a change in the way we see ourselves. He thus wrote a very popular book on the idea that by changing the way we see ourselves we can change the way we interact with others and achieve much greater success in life.
He did not use the words identification and fusion, yet he taught the principles behind them.
In other words, many who have undesirable looks identify their inner self with the ugly outer and because of this identification they are afflicted with a negative personality.
When surgery is performed on these people and their looks improved then they re-identify with the new image and their personality followed becoming more pleasant. After a while they fuse with the new image and are permanently changed.
If you want a more pleasant personality like Jack, be seen as smarter like Louise or more prosperity like Tony, then one of the keys to accomplishing this is to meditate a couple times a day and identify yourself with that which you desire to be. If a person will do this then both an inward and outer change will follow. To insure success the person must keep this identification in his consciousness throughout the day. If he does, he will soon fuse with the new image and no more effort will be required. It will then seem as if he was always this new person.
When we see how these principles apply to standard living we can gain a clearer view of how we can apply them to higher spiritual aspiration. The seeker must obtain an image of his future spiritual self and then identify with it in the present. This will fuse the present with the future and speed the course of evolution.
As with most principles, a Trinity is at play here. In addition to identification and fusion, the third principle is "integration."
We know that fusion follows identification, but where does integration fit in? Is it first second or third place in the Triangle?
Explain how integration applies to us as we seek to take higher steps in personal and group evolution.
On a higher turn of the spiral, the application of these principles is far beyond what we have imagined. Even so, it is best to stretch our minds and imaginations as much as possible. We develop our spiritual vision through exercise just as we do our physical muscles. This is why it is so advantageous for the group to grasp meaning by contemplation and investigation rather than merely being told a version of the truth.
Those who merely rely on being told without thinking things out for themselves are like those who sit around all day and never get any exercise. We must get into some active motion to strengthen ourselves in any endeavor we approach.
Most of you placed integration as second in the series as follows: identification - integration - fusion. But then a few of you placed it last: identification - fusion - integration.
So, which is correct?
First let us take a look at the meaning of the word "integrate." The common meaning is: "To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify. To make part of a larger unit."
The metaphysical meaning goes beyond this somewhat and implies more than merely bring parts together. Parts are indeed brought together to produce integration, as we are speaking of here, but from a spiritual angle the extra ingredient involves consciousness. The seeker not only brings together the higher and lower, but relates them together in his consciousness so they are fully accepted as belonging together. "Conscious acceptance" is the extra key to spiritual integration.
First comes identification. The disciple identifies the higher and sees himself from this higher vantage point. Eventually he realizes the higher is not separate from himself and the identification becomes more of a reality than he had previously imagined. As the reality of the oneness of the higher and the lower become realized, he finds he must adapt to the new reality and integrate his consciousness to accept his "new birth" or new self. When this conscious acceptance is complete, the higher and lower become fused. They are no longer two or more parts but one greater life.
But what about those who said that integration follows fusion? Is there anything to this thought?
Perhaps. To understand let us look at the next step beyond fusion. What happens next is that the fusion is discovered to not be the end of the journey, but a step in the journey and a still higher vision of life is seen. Again, he uses the principle of integration and accepts the fact that his spiritual journey is not at an end, but a new beginning. When he integrates this into his consciousness he lays the groundwork for identifying with a still higher plane and aspect of the One Great Life. Thus the process goes something like this: identification - integration - fusion - integration - higher identification, etc.
In addition, the principle of synthesis is used continuously along the way.
What is the difference between synthesis and integration?
Integration comes before synthesis in the creation of higher life. First there is a desire for the higher, then after some comprehension is grasped the seeker identifies. As the period of identification begins differences between the higher and the lower are noted. For the identification to continue the seeker must therefore integrate his consciousness with the higher by disregarding the differences. This is done by an act of the will.
It is at this step that many fail in group work. The seeker may identify with the group and believe in its goals, but to integrate he must deal with the belief system of his past as it relates to the group work and purpose. Some things must be added and some either given up or put on the shelf. If he is too attached to the past he may not possess the will to integrate. Now, it is understandable that some groups are so far off the mark that integration would be undesirable. We are not talking about this situation, however. We are talking about a group with desirable goals. It matters not how perfect the group, this process of integration and adaptation will be necessary.
After the seeker then accepts his next step and integrates, he then begins to synthesize and become a part of the higher life in a molecular order. He next fuses with the higher life until this seems to be the natural place to dwell in consciousness. As this fusion takes place so does additional synthesis. The unifying elements from the lower blend with the higher, leaving that which is not necessary behind. In the end you have a new creation which is synthesis of all workable parts collected along the path.
Integration in two parts of the universe will often produce two different results, but when complete and fusion/synthesis takes place the final creations are the same.
For instance, the various hydrogen atoms integrate and produce different results. But when they combine as two atoms molecularly, the results are the same.
Later they fuse and the result is always helium. It doesn't mater when or where it happens whether it is in this galaxy or one far away.
Even so with us. As we evolve into higher consciousness, we achieve the same end results that other lives in other systems achieve. What we end up achieving is new to us, but this newness will be the same, in the end, as that achievement accomplished in other sections of the universe.
"He who praises you for what you lack wishes to take from you what you have."
-- Don Juan Manuel (1282 - 1349)
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