2008-3-21 04:56:00
Susan wrote:
"I think JJ's stuff leans more to emotionally polarized people trying to reach mental polarization while Tolle's is reaching towards mentally polarized people trying to get them to be Intuitionally Polarized. But JJ also teaches as does DK [Djwhal Khul] about intuition and going to the soul."
Dan then wrote in response to Susan:
"I agree and to restate it in my terms:
"JJ is teaching on a mental level (i.e.; Keys of Knowledge) in a way that can speak to and lift up 'the masses' -- those primarily yet polarized at the astral.
"Tolle is teaching on the buddhic level in a way that can speak to and lift up those of a more mental polarization that haven't become crystalized there and can probably also reach those approaching the upper end of the astral if they haven't become crystalized and stretch themselves a bit.
"This would explain why Tolle's teachings appeal to 'the masses' and JJ's does NOT (not in a major way as yet at any rate).
Anni then responds to both Dan and Susan by writing:
"This simply doesn't make sense to me! Do you really think that Tolle is teaching on the buddhic level? And just how many people on this earth would need that as their next step? Humanity is still polarized on the astral level so even if we pretend that Tolle's teachings are on the buddhic level -- how many people would he appeal to on this earth? 10? 20? 30? 100? Certainly not 'the masses' -- it is NOT their next step.
"In fact JJ's teachings are for 'the masses' -- helping them to take their next step into mental polarization."
To the above JJ responds with:
I agree with Anni here. I think you have it backwards.
The intuition reaches up to the buddhic plane and brings down original ideas and new light on principles, for the language in this plane is the language of principles.
As I read through Tolle's words I see no new principles revealed and no new light shed on existing principles. He's basically encapsulated several existing philosophies into a format of his own. If one maintains that Tolle is drawing from the buddhic level then you need to find a new principle that he is expounding.
If Tolle wants to reach a mentally polarized person like Larry for example, and lift them up then he would have to first reach into the buddhic plane himself and draw new principles and then present them on a mental level. Because Tolle sees the mind as an obstacle that needs to be set aside then I don't see much of a chance of doing this. If he is not using the mind then he will be reduced to speaking on an emotional level. However, I see that he does use some mind even though he calls mind an enemy.
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