2008-3-20 14:41:00
In Message Number 34449, Quintaldo quoted the contents of a message made by Dan in which Dan had quoted quotations from Eckhart Tolle's book, "Practicing the Power of the Now," pp 41,42. Dan's post can be read by visiting The Keys Of Knowledge spiritual discussion group and searching for Message Number 34430.
Quintaldo then said:
"I'm discovering that this posting I'm replying to has been posted 4 hours before JJ qualified Tolle's philosophy as being about 'nothingness' and 'the fruitlessness of this world.'
"The above posting happens to be contradicting beautifully and in details the above JJ's assessment of Tolle's philosophy.
JJ responded with:
Perhaps you would care to point out the contradiction.
Quintaldo responded to the above by quoting from Eckhart Tolle:
"'It will not be a reaction coming from the past conditioning of your mind but an intuitive response to the situation. In other instances, when the time-bound mind would have reacted, you will find it more effective to do nothing - just stay centered in the Now.'"
And then, Quintaldo added:
"Tolle speaks in favor of right action and right inaction, and against wrong action and wrong inaction. It seems to me that to a believer in nothingness and fruitlessness there could be no right action. Actions would have a trifle meaning and effect and they would never affect the ultimate reality of beings."
Welcome back Quintaldo. I've always liked you even though you took a detour on conspiracy theory.
All those who believe in the "Nothingness Philosophy" admit that we have to make the best of the current reality, but they say in the end it will be as if nothing in creation ever was.
I do not accept this. I believe that everything we do now will have an effect that will last forever.
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