2008-3-15 06:03:00
Dan writes:
"Since you refuse to listen to reason, I feel must publicly abstract myself from you and encourage others to do the same by discontinuing interaction in this forum.
"I am greatly saddened that I must hereby formally withdraw my support from Joseph John Dewey as of this date.
"It is hard to tell what teachings have been corrupted and for how long, so, as always, they probably should be re-examined in the light of one's own soul.
"It was nice getting to know and experience you,"
It is difficult to fathom that you would be so upset just because I do not see Eckhart Tolle's teachings in the same light as you. Or let us suppose the worst that I made several mistakes in my perception.
After all we have shared over numerous years you are now going to close there door on one who has always offered you true friendship.
If this is the fruit of reading Tolle's material then something is amiss.
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