Re: Question For The Group

2008-3-7 01:28:00

Sharon Wyeth wrote:

"I would love some input on this idea as my sister and I are having quite a discussion and I'd like more viewpoints.

"She says we create our reality in totality, everything in it and all that happens. We are total creators. I say we co-create with God, if we were total creators, then all who put forth the effort to become president would be president. I think we co-create within the parameters established by God for this lifetime.

"What do you say? Is there a principle involved here? She and I agree more often than not so I am curious to expand my concept on this topic."


Give her this from The Archives:


Mind Stuff

Paul writes:

"Separateness is created by human mind. Separation then does not exist but in the human mind. It does not exist in reality. Time, space and motion are projections of our mind. All mental projections or thoughts still remain in the mental consciousness despite our belief that they exist out there. All our beliefs are illusion in which we live our lives as personalities unless we are aware of we do with our mind."


Maybe I should give Paul's philosophy a try. Let me get this straight. My mind has created duality which includes space, time, form etc. Thus I take it that, since my mind created all of this, that it can also undo it.

Let me give this a try. I am typing on many keys, but my mind is playing a trick on me. Stop it mind! Ah, yes. Now I am only typing on one key. This is much easier. I think I am writing to over 200 people, but this is another trick of my mind. OK mind, stop it. Let me see the oneness. Wow. It's working. Paul just disappeared! Whoops, there goes Ed and Zina, Rob, Glenys, Rick. Man look at them go. I never realized that you guys were just a part of my mind. You're all gone now except for Xavier. Man is he putting up a fight, but he's finally starting to fade.

This is kind of disappointing. All this time I thought I was writing to a group; now I have only myself to write to with only one key.

Now I look around me. There is still a lot of tricky duality present. OK mind turn off the rest of this illusion. There goes my TV, my VCR, my computer and now my chair - whoops, that hurt. I'll make the floor go next and now my house. Now I'm just standing on the ground looking at the sky and my wife is angry at me for making this happen. I forgot about her. There she goes. Now she's gone there will be no more complaints from her.

Now there's still the earth and the rest of the universe. These are more than one so my mind must have created them too. Earth, disappear.

WOW!!! This is weird. I'm just a dualistic body floating in space. I'm on a roll though so I think I'll see where this leads me. Some say it's supposed to be eternal bliss.

OK stars and sun you're next!

WOW again!!!

I'm just floating in a void. Feels weird, but not blissful yet. I've still got the duality of my body. That is next. Now it's really weird. There's just the duality of my mind and the void. If I make my mind go then I will finally be One in the void, but with no mind with creative power I will not be able to come back. That's scary. Which is going to go? My mind essence or the void?

Wait! Am I crazy? Do I want to be reduced to the nothingness of a void just to be one? No way. Mind get busy and create everything again just as it was.

And it came to pass that JJ created the heavens and the earth.

So good to be back. Now I've got more than one key for typing I can tell you this experience.
