2008-3-2 11:58:00
Larry quoting JJ:
"My Friends,
"Here is another parable elucidating a bit more on the mysteries of money and inflation.
"One of the unique characteristics of many of the parables of Jesus is that they can evoke a great deal of thought and contemplation in those who hear them. There are "immortal words" in them that seem almost inexhaustible in stimulating further thought and contemplation on those who are touched by them."
In response to the above, Larry wrote:
"On the other hand your parables, especially of late, seem only to be word pictures of highly improbable worlds where your ideas are portrayed as being obviously true. I don't think your parables are of the same currency as those of Jesus.
"Just my opinion."
This is not a parable of late. I wrote it over 25 years ago.
If one has an mindset he can find fault with any parable or teaching and miss the principles given. This certainly happened with Jesus and every other inspired teacher who walked the planet.
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved