2008-2-28 22:52:00
Larry wrote:
"In your very first post in the Archives you talk about the student-teacher relationship and how to determine if a teacher is a reliable authority on a subject. You used the example of testing a Spanish teacher to see if they could speak Spanish fluently.
"As far as I am concerned I have tested you to see if you could 'speak economics' fluently and in my view the end result is that you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not any kind of authority in economics. You have repeatedly demonstrated that you are not aware of very basic concepts. How do I know that? Because as a student of Objectivism I studied a lot of economic theory in order to try to decide whether the claims of Objectivism made sense to me."
I would never find fault with you for following the highest you know, even though I think the highest you can perceive in this case is not correct.
By the standards of this world I am probably not an expert on anything -- yet I press on and I teach the principles behind many things because I am proficient in one thing and that is the language of principles.
If you can see the principle behind why something works, or is true, then your argument will have more truth in it than all the experts in the world who may go against you.
Jesus went against the experts of his day by teaching principles that common people could understand and the experts could not. He was deemed beyond a shadow of a doubt to be not any kind of authority and unprincipled. But with the passing of time the tables have turned.
Even so, today I realize many experts would criticize me in economics just the way you have but the same will happen. With the passing of time the basic principles I teach will be proven correct -- which are:
There would be no gold available without labor -- no cotton, no banking, and nothing for intelligence to direct.
On the other hand, without gold, cotton or banking there would still be labor and that which labor produced would still have value and a medium representing that value could be used as money.
Because the ideal always manifests, in the end then this absolutely has to be the end result of money.
All these five points will be verified because of the eternal Law of Economy, which is a manifestation of the principle of life gravitating toward that which is most efficient.
No one has been able to touch any of these five points and give even one reason why they are not true and they never will because a principle cannot be proven false.
As I said, two hundred years from now these principles will be so obvious that many will wonder why they were not seen by people of our day just as they will wonder why people in the middle ages thought the earth was the center of the universe.
Do you want a teacher who just tells you what you already believe or do you want one who challenges your mind by saying, "come up higher"?
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