1999-6-21 19:42:00
I watched The Pirates of Silicon Valley last night on TNT. If you missed it the show will be repeated on Monday and Wednesday night.
The movie is the story of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. It is interesting in the light of the fact that we have mentioned both of these crusaders as initiates.
Remember that I wrote that Jobs was the higher initiate of the two even though Gates was much more financially successful? It is interesting that the story points out that Jobs was a seeker and interested in Eastern Philosophy.
Notice the different priorities of the two. Jobs main interest was in changing the world and making a better product.
Bill's motive was success at any price.
The interesting thing is that, from the soul level, these two were one, working on one goal to bring the world into the computer age. Gates was just fortunate enough to reap the majority of the financial reward. Jobs had difficulty, as dreamers always do, of keeping his focus on the bottom line..
It is also interesting to note the faults of these two men and the growth they went through. This illustrates to us that initiates are often far from being goodie-two-shoes but are often driven to get the job done at the expense of stepping on toes. As Jobs and Gates progress along the path, however, they will knock off the rough edges and develop more sensitivity to general humanity.
It is also interesting that even though Gates seems to have the advantage on a soul level, this success will be a handicap for him in his next life that he will have to surmount. Jobs will have a head start in his future life because of lessons he has learned from being number two in this one.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved