2008-2-19 11:33:00
Ruth posted the following quote taken from JJ's writings:
"As the pendulum swings among us, the masses swing with it, not realizing that they are following the energy much more than they are doing any independent thinking.
"Those who go 'with the flow' give energy to the pendulum to swing to the extreme of the direction it is heading. On the other hand, those who apply the path of most resistance work to make the pendulum swing the opposite direction so it will again pass over the center point. When it makes that pass a truth is seen."
Let us rate the zero point as zero and the swing to the left and right as one through five points. Thus if we are in an extreme right wing time swing we would be at 5 points to the right. If we are at a moderate point on the left we could be 2 points to the left.
First, which direction is the pendulum now swinging -- to the left or right? How long has it been swinging this direction?
Secondly, where are we now? How many points to the left or right are we? Explain why you think this?
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved