2008-2-19 04:36:00
Interesting conversation about the eye of God.
I didn't come up with the teaching of the two eyes evolving into the one eye in advanced beings by creative thought. The idea would probably had not occurred to me if I had not been shown the reality of it. But after this occurred and I thought about it then it began to make a lot of sense and even founds hints of such in the Bible and writings of DK [Djwhal Khul]. Ruth repeated a DK quote I gave a while back that gives some subtle hints as to this reality:
"One of the four Lipika Lords, Who stand nearest to our planetary Logos, is called 'The Living Serpent,' and His emblem is a serpent of blue with one eye, in the form of a ruby, in its head. Students who care to carry the symbology a little further can connect this idea with the 'eye of Shiva' which sees and knows all, and records all, as does the human eye in lesser degree; all is photographed upon the astral light, as the human eye receives impressions upon the retina. The same thought is frequently conveyed in the Christian Bible, in the Hebrew and Christian recognition of the all-seeing eye of God. The application and value of the hints here given may be apparent if the subject of the third eye is studied, and its relation to the spine, and the spinal currents investigated. This third eye is one of the objects of kundalinic vivification, and in the spinal territory there is first the centre at the base of the spine, the home of the sleeping fire."
("Treatise on Cosmic Fire," by Alice A. Bailey, Pages 893-4)
It is true that if, we in our present condition, are limited to only one of our eyes that the person suffers a depth perception, but the one "eye of Shiva" records all" because "all is photographed upon the astral light."
This "all seeing eye" that we will eventually develop in the Seventh Root Race cannot only see all that we can with two eyes but can look into the astral light and see all that is recorded in the Akashic records.
If one wants verification of this principle just use the principle of asking and receiving and ask God to show you the face of one of the great beings who has achieved this state.
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