2008-2-16 04:15:00
A question was asked about the "light in the forehead." DK [Djwhal Khul] and Alice A. Bailey has written quite a bit about the light in the head. Below are some quotes from the Bailey books that may shed some light:
"The light in the head is produced by the definitely planned bringing together of soul light and personality light, focused in the mental body and producing an effect in the brain. This focussing process falls into three stages:
"1. The attempt to focus the light of the mind and of matter in the mental vehicle.
"This signifies a bringing together of the light of matter and substance (dense material and etheric light) and the light of the mind itself. There is no peculiar or specific light in or of the astral body itself, for it is only an aggregate of forms,...
"2. The second stage of the focussing process is produced through the effort to meditate....
"3. The third stage is that in which the light of matter, the light of the mind and the light of the soul (as a channel for the intuition) are consciously blended, fused and focused. The man then turns this blended light, under soul direction, upon the world of glamour and upon the particular glamour with which he is at any one time pre-occupied. The false light of the astral plane disappears in this triple blended light just like a fire can be nearly put out if subjected to the full rays of the sun; or a burning glass, focussing the rays of the sun, can start a destructive blaze. It is the use of a powerful light which can obliterate a lesser light and dissipate a fog."
(Glamour A World Problem, Pages 208-209)
"4. Any phenomena of a mystical and spiritual kind should also be noted. The seeing of the light in the head comes under this category. Its brilliance should be noted, its growth and dimming; the hearing of the Voice of the Silence which is the voice of the soul but not of the subconscious; the registering of messages from the soul or from other disciples and world Servers; expansions of consciousness which initiate you into the conscious life of God, as it manifests through any forms and the hearing of the note of all beings."
(Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pg 15)
"1. The aspirational intent of the man upon the physical plane suddenly succeeds in enabling him to make a soul contact. The moment that that takes place the light in the head is momentarily intensified."
(Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pg 714)
"4. This pathway of light leads to the heart of a dark blue disk at the very centre of which you were told I could be contacted. Those of you who are in any way adept at meditation work know well that the light in the head when seen and recognised passes usually through three stages of intensification:
"a. It is, first of all, a diffused light, surrounding the head, discovered later within the head and producing an inner radiance, which is the rudimentary halo.
"b. This diffused light then consolidates and becomes an inner radiant sun.
"c. Finally, at the centre of that sun, a point of dark blue, or a small indigo disk, appears. This is, in reality, the exit in the head through which the soul passes out of the world of phenomenal existence, and it is the symbol of the path or the door into the kingdom of God. This is the symbolical interpretation of the phenomena.
"As the group approaches nearer and nearer to reality, the pathway or the band of light shortens (symbolically) and in time, when you are expert in this work and when your spiritual nature is truly intensified, you will enter almost immediately into, or through, the disk of blue and become aware of the higher consciousness, or divinity."
(Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Pg 52)
"The Hierarchy and humanity are at last en rapport. This is the higher reflection or correspondence to what goes on within the consciousness of a human being who having reached the stage of discipleship is at the point of blending the light of the personality (as it is expressed through the ajna centre and its externalisation, the pituitary body) and the light of the soul (as it is, in its turn, expressed by the light in the head, or by the head centre and its externalisation, the pineal gland)."
(Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pg 170)
"For decades, I, as one of the spiritual teachers, along with many others, have sought to awaken all to the fact of Light in the world, light coming from the plane of desire (called the astral plane quite often), light illumining science and human knowledge, the light of the soul, producing in due time the light in the head.
"You have been carefully taught that the right use of the mind in meditation and reflection will lead to the correct relation of soul and personality, and that when this has taken place, the light of the soul ignites or fosters the light in the head and the man reaches the stage of illumination."
(Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pg 273)
From Alice A. Bailey -- not DK.
"When we arrive at the physical level of consciousness and of the reaction to the illumination which is streaming down into the brain, we have two predominant effects, usually. There is a sense or an awareness of a light in the head, and frequently also a stimulation to an activity which is abnormal. The man seems driven by the energy pouring through him, and the days are all too short for what he seeks to accomplish. He finds himself so anxious to co-operate with the Plan which he has contacted that his judgment is temporarily impaired and he works, and talks, and reads and writes with a tireless vigor which does, nevertheless, wear out the nervous system, and affect his vitality. All who have worked in the field of meditation, and who have sought to teach people along these lines are well aware of this condition. The aspirant does enter the realm of divine energy, and finds himself intensely responsive to it; he senses his group relations and responsibilities and feels as if he must do his uttermost to live up to them. This registering of a constant pouring in of vital force is eminently characteristic, for the co-ordination between the soul and its instrument, and the subsequent reaction of the nervous system to the energy of the soul is so close and exact that it takes the man quite a little time to learn the necessary adjustments.
"A second effect, as we have seen, is the recognition of the light in the head. This fact is so well substantiated that it needs little reinforcing. Dr. Jung refers to it in the following manner:
"The light-vision, is an experience common to many mystics, and one that is undoubtedly of the greatest significance, because in all times and places it appears as the unconditional thing, which unites in itself the greatest power and the profoundest meaning. Hildegarde von Bingen, a significant personality quite apart from her mysticism, expresses herself about her central vision in a quite similar way. 'Since my childhood,' she says, 'I always see a light in my soul, but not with the outer eyes, nor through the thoughts of my heart; neither do the five outer senses take part in this vision....The light I perceive is not of a local kind, but is much brighter than the cloud which bears the sun. I cannot distinguish in it height, breadth, or length....What I see or learn in such a vision stays long in my memory. I see, hear, and know at the same time, and learn what I know in the same moment....I cannot recognize any sort of form in this light, although I sometimes see in it another light that is known to me as the living light....While I am enjoying the spectacle of this light, all sadness and sorrow disappear from my memory....' "I know a few individuals who are familiar with this phenomenon from personal experience. As far as I have ever been able to understand it, the phenomenon seems to have to do with an acute condition of consciousness as intensive as it is abstract, a 'detached' consciousness...,which, as Hildegarde pertinently remarks, brings up to consciousness regions of psychic events ordinarily covered with darkness. The fact that, in connection with this, the general bodily sensations disappear, shows that their specific energy has been withdrawn from them, and has apparently gone toward heightening the clearness of consciousness. As a rule, the phenomenon is spontaneous, coming and going on its own initiative. Its effect is astonishing in that it almost always brings about a solution of psychic complications, and thereby frees the inner personality from emotional and imaginary entanglements, creating thus a unity of being, which is universally felt as a 'release.'
"These words any experienced teacher of meditation can unequivocally endorse. The phenomenon is most familiar and goes to prove surely that there is a close physical correspondence to mental illumination. Hundreds of cases could be proved, were people willing to relate their experiences, but too many refrain from so doing because of the mockery and scepticism of the man who knows little. This light in the head takes various forms, and is often sequential in its development. A diffused light is first seen, sometimes outside the head and, later, within the brain, when in deep thought or meditation; then it becomes more focussed and looks, as some express it, like a radiant and very brilliant sun. Later, at the centre of the radiance, a point of vivid electric blue appears (perhaps the 'living light' referred to above) and from this a golden pathway of light leads out. This has sometimes been called 'the Path,' and there is a possibility that the prophet was not speaking merely symbolically when he said that 'the path of the just is as a shining light that shineth more and more until the day be with us.'
"In this light in the head, which seems a universal accompaniment of the illuminative state, we have probably also the origin of the halo depicted around the heads of the illuminati of the world."
(From Intellect to Intuition, Pg 169-171)
From DK:
"Intuition, therefore, brings with its appearance three qualities:
"Illumination. By illumination I do not mean the light in the head. That is incidental and phenomenal, and many truly intuitive people are entirely unaware of this light. The light to which I refer is that which irradiates the Way. It is 'the light of the intellect,' which really means that which illumines the mind and which can reflect itself in that mental apparatus which is held 'steady in the light.' This is the 'Light of the World,' a Reality which is eternally existent, but which can be discovered only when the individual interior light is recognised as such. This is the 'Light of the Ages,' which shineth ever more until the Day be with us. The intuition is therefore the recognition in oneself, not theoretically but as a fact in one's experience, of one's complete identification with the Universal Mind, of one's constituting a part of the great World Life, and of one's participation in the eternal persisting Existence."
(Glamour A World Problem, Pages 3-4)
"6. The 'light in the head' can be increased, so that a man becomes a living Flame."
(Light of the Soul, Pg 8)
"1. Enlightenment. The light in the head, which is at first but a spark, is fanned to a flame which illumines all things and is fed constantly from above. This is progressive (see previous sutra), and is dependent upon steadfast practise, meditation and earnest service."
(Light of the Soul, Pg 180)
"This can be demonstrated as literally true upon the physical plane, for through the work of purification and the control of the life currents the light in the head becomes so apparent that it can be seen by those who have supernatural vision, as radiations extending all around the head, thus forming the halo so well known in pictures of the saints."
(Light of the Soul, Pg 228)
"This light in the head is the great revealer, the great purifier, and the medium whereby the disciple fulfills the command of the Christ, 'Let your light shine.' It is the 'path of the just which shineth ever more and more until the perfect day.' It is that which produces the halo or circle of light seen around the heads of all the sons of God who have come or are coming into their heritage."
(Light of the Soul, Pg 298)
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