2008-2-13 04:35:00
Jody wrote:
"Suppose you know what a sound wave looks like. Suppose you know that sound is a vibration and can be 'felt' by our bodies and can be 'heard' by our ears.
"Now suppose you know what a brainwave (which are thoughts) look like. Let's suppose you know that it looks just like a sound wave or rather that it is a vibration as well.
"Now suppose you know what a light wave looks like. Suppose you realize that it is a vibration also.
"When we measure electricity, what does it look like on a graph?
"Now lets go back to the Law of Conservation of Energy which is taught in science. The Law states, 'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed it only changes form.'
"Now think. Sound can be heard and light can be seen because we have ears to hear and eyes to see. They both can be felt as well.
"Now let's say that our 'thoughts' are vibrations. Sometimes we feel them not just within ourselves, but we feel them in large gatherings. Hence the expression, 'The tension is so thick in this room, I can cut it with a knife.' Or another expression, 'Love is in the air.'
"What if the our thoughts (vibrations) right now are so 'low' they cannot be 'heard' so to speak. When I turn the sound down on the stereo, it doesn't mean the vibration isn't there, it just means that my ears aren't attuned to it and don't pick up the lower sound. Like the old saying, 'If a tree falls in the forest, yet there is no one to hear it, does it make a sound?'
"What if we could amplify those 'brainwave' patterns? So we already can measure 'brainwaves' which look like sound waves or light waves, so why not convert it into sound which is something we already 'know' how to do and amplify it. Do you think maybe if the brainwaves were AMPLIFIED, that something inside that gray mass in our heads would start to pick up those amplified brainwaves and interpret them just as our ears interpret sound and our eyes interpret light.
"Maybe the 'eardrum' in our brain isn't 'hearing' because the 'sound' is to low?
"If anyone sees this as I do and wishes to invest in such a project, please let me know. Any further thoughts on this will be well greatly welcomed as well."
Your thoughts here harmonize well with my teachings in the Molecular Relationship. Indeed there is nothing solid and all is vibration.
Thoughts, however, need more than mere amplification to be read or understood. They are projected more in symbols than in words and it takes a sensitive and intuitive mind to be able to read them.
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved