2008-2-9 04:27:00
Zipittydoda writes:
"This guy comes up with 'enemy combatant,' so he can deny prisoners Geneva Conventions rights, the world's standard for humane treatment. Then he tries telling the world he doesn't support torture, all the while telling Congress that if a anti-torture bill is passed, he will veto it!
"So Congress passes it with a veto proof margin, so he uses 'signing statements' to bypass the intent of the bill. Which prompts Congress to sue Bush!
"And then when evidence of torture surfaces, this guy has the guts to send our troops to prison, for his policies!
"Now the propaganda machine is trying to convince people that the torture is nothing worse than a college hazing. Try telling that to Alyssa Peterson.
"Even the mass of people that, you say, don't think, couldn't miss this lie."
This generation has a strange idea of what torture is. Waterboarding is not as bad as some of the stuff that goes on at college hazing and other shenanigans. A Fox news reporter submitted to waterboarding a while back just to see what it was like and was not harmed by it. On the other hand, I have never seen any reporter submit to some of the things that goes on at college. Our service men are sometimes waterboarded just so they can relate to the experience.
In addition we have only used waterboarding three times since Bush became president and the information gained saved many lives.
Real torture is something like holding someone's hand in boiling water, pulling out fingernails, electrocution of genitalia, cutting off limbs, gouging eyes, etc.
This generation has an extremely wimpy idea of what torture is. Some Moslems at Guantanamo claim they were tortured because a cute servicewoman walked by with a uniform that reveals she has breasts. I'll take that torture any day.
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