1999-6-17 07:33:00
I will present additional qualities and then go back and analyze them more thoroughly later when I have more time.
Here are the qualities we have presented so far:
(1) Soul contact
(2) Holding the mind steady in the light
(3) Detachment when necessary.
(4) The ability to either send or receive
(5) Reflection - contemplation
(6) Talent.
Now for two more:
(7) The power, motivation and will to initiate and work in isolation and high resistance if necessary
(8) The ability to create a point of tension and use the tension creatively to bear fruit.
We have covered in some detail what an initiate is but the point of tension may be new to some of you in relation to spiritual work. Some of you may have heard it used in physics. Whatever the case, contemplate these two new abilities and some ideas should come. Why do the Masters look for these qualities in the working disciple?
Notice I use the phrase "working disciple?" By working disciple I mean one who is working directly under the influence of the Brotherhood.
There are many other levels. Other disciples work directly under the guidance of their soul or in conjunction with entities from the spiritual world who are not yet Masters.
Still others think they are the new Messiah but have not yet even mastered their physical appetites and Maya essential to the first initiation.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved