2008-2-5 05:39:00
Just a few more comments on sincerity.
Bryan accurately pointed out that one can detect sincerity by using common sense, and mental discrimination.
In most cases one can accurately asses sincerity using normal methods, but without some degree of soul contact one can always be deceived by a skilled person.
Now some here think they have no soul contact whatsoever but all true seekers have it to some degree. One of the first areas where it is used is in personal relationships, first with your mate and next with good friends and associates. After you get to know someone well if you are sincere yourself you will begin to tune into them and sense their feelings, their desires and their sincerity. This can be done to a small degree or a large degree depending on the sensitivity achieved through soul contact and the amount of attention placed on discovery.
Some receive an inner confirmation about the heart of another after some time has passed in the relationship and others can receive communion through the soul about another after a short time. Sometimes it will happen on the first meeting if the soul deems it to be advantageous.
When two individuals having a high degree of soul contact meet and commune there will be a high degree of instant knowing. They will be able to peer into each others hearts and know of the sincerity and purity thereof. This will be a joyous experience of discovery.
Some here have tuned into my heart and mind to a degree through soul contact and others tune in intellectually. Some are more sensitive than they realize and go beyond the limits of the brain without realizing it.
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