2008-1-31 03:21:00
Dean quoting JJ:
"That quote was from "Meet the Press" and heard by millions of people including myself."
"Dear oh me. That is not the quote I was asking about JJ and in that quote he does not say what you accused him of."
I reread your post and you specifically questioned this quote. Concerning this quote you asked:
"That doesn't sound right at all. Is this quoted out of context, something I am missing?"
The quote says exactly what I claimed it says. When I heard Ron Paul say this it indeed sounded like he was aligning himself with the crowd that considers Lincoln a tyrant. So I did a little research and found this to be the case.
Ron Paul endorsed two books which claimed that Lincoln was a tyrant. Why would anyone in his right mind endorse something he did not believe?
In particular Thomas DiLorenzo's book "The Real Lincoln" has the supposed tyranny of Lincoln as its main theme. I hope you don't read it or you'll probably get converted and want to argue with us about what illusion we are in concerning Lincoln.
I hope you can get beyond nit picking my words and offer something of substance if you disagree.
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