2008-1-30 00:40:00
Dean Jenkins quoting JJ who was quoting Ron Paul, wrote:
"'No, he shouldn't have gone, gone to war. He did this just to enhance and get rid of the original intent of the republic. I mean, it was the--that iron, iron fist....'"
Dean then writes:
"That doesn't sound right at all. Is this quoted out of context, something I am missing? I can't imagine Ron paul saying something so silly as claiming he is a tryant ... Remember how we aren't all perfect? Maybe he has different opinions on events. But does he really consider a great president of the united states such as Lincoln a tryant? I highly doubt it."
That quote was from "Meet the Press" and heard by millions of people including myself. When I saw his facial expression as he said this I knew that he had extremely negative feelings toward Lincoln and did some research and found I was correct.
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