2008-1-30 00:07:00
Ruth quoting JJ from a previous post:
"Aquarian Gospel, Chapter 23, Verse 22:
"'But many of the broken chords in life, and discords that so vex the soul, are caused by evil spirits of the air that men see not; that lead men on through ignorance to break the laws of nature and of God.'
"This is a most interesting statement.
"'Are caused by evil spirits of the air that men see not.'
"Is He referring to the effect of those thoughtforms fed by the dark side?
"This must have at least three interpretations."
That's a great thought Ruth. A negative thoughtform created by negative thinking would indeed be an evil spirit (negative thoughtform) of the air (symbol of the mind).
The question then is how is a negative thoughtform cast out so the person can be healed?
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