2008-1-29 05:27:00
Dean asks when Ron Paul expressed an opinion that Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant.
On "Meet the Press" Dec 23, 2007, he said this concerning Lincoln:
"No, he shouldn't have gone, gone to war. He did this just to enhance and get rid of the original intent of the republic. I mean, it was the -- that iron, iron fist...."
He didn't quite finish this statement but the "iron fist" remark indicates he was headed toward calling Lincoln a tyrant and then withdrew.
Paul has publicly endorsed books by Thomas E. Woods and Thomas DiLorenzo that call Lincoln a tyrant and has been associated with secessionist organizations such as the Ludwig von Mises Institute which sees Lincoln as a tyrant.
A number of followers have stated they have heard him directly call Lincoln a tyrant.
I personally consider Lincoln to be one of our least tyrannical presidents, probably less than Washington or Jefferson, considering the difficult time in which he presided.
"By their fruits you shall know them." -- Lincoln's fruit was the freedom of the slaves, definitely not the legacy of a tyrant.
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