My Pick

2008-1-25 03:59:00

Now that I've analyzed the major candidates readers may wonder which one I would support.

To pick a candidate I first take the unusual approach of looking at their position on the issues. Then secondly, I ask if he has the where-with-all to make any change on the issues I care about.

Unfortunately, today we are a nation of sound bytes and candidates are judged by their looks, how smooth of a talker they are and how much of other people's money they are going to take and give away.

Unfortunately, I cannot support any of the Democratic candidates as they are all very similar in philosophy and what they say they will do. They all see big business as evil, want to raise taxes, greatly increase social spending, make more restrictive laws and pull the troops out of Iraq. All of these attitudes take us closer toward ultimate disaster.

Businesses big or small are the lifeblood of our society and are not the enemy. No business ever forced me to do anything I did not want to do, but government forces us on a regular basis. The main purpose of government, as envisioned by the founders, is not to force us to do good, but to protect us from those who would force us to do their version of good. We have lost that vision of government protecting us from tyranny and instead are embracing the principles which lead to tyranny.

The democratic candidate I like best is Barack Obama. If the election were based on just electing a nice guy who is basically honest then maybe I'd vote for him. The trouble is it matters not if a nice person or a mean person robs your money or reduces your freedom, the effect is the same. The money spent on social programs is 80% wasted and the minority who obtain more benefits do so at the expense of forced labor of their brothers.

The last Democrat who tried to steer his party toward greater common sense was James Traficant but his party turned on him and made sure he went to jail where he still resides.

The Republican party is also taking us toward forced socialism but just does it at a slightly slower pace. They mouth support for free enterprise and smaller government while joining with the Democrats in restricting freedom and growing government.

One might think that because I am libertarian that I would support Ron Paul who has run as a libertarian in the past. I do not support him because he on only about 50 percent libertarian in his views. How's that? He doesn't believe in fighting for liberty for anyone but himself and his own. I believe in fighting for liberty in any way possible wherever it will make a difference.

Ron Paul sees Abraham Lincoln as a tyrant and thinks he fought the Civil War to increase the power of government and the civil war was unnecessary. He would not have fought to free the slaves. He thinks the were close to being freed naturally. This is very naive thinking as the South was seeking to expand slavery in all directions in and out of the United States and were not about to let the slaves go free or support any legislation that would allow this.

He would withdraw troops from Iraq immediately which could take away the hope of freedom for the Iraqi people as well as eventually the entire Middle East.

I agree with him on many issues of smaller government, taxes and personal freedom but his problem is that he wants to introduce great changes but has no plan to pull it off. Anyone seeking to make great change in government must convince the people and the Congress and if he cannot do that his ideas become a lost vision.

Leaders like FDR and Reagan presented their ideas to the people and got public opinion behind them and were able to implement their ideas. I do not see Ron Paul having this needed ability to sway the masses toward the greater good.

I do not support McCain because he seems to lack good judgement. Time and time again he has sponsored flawed legislation and when it doesn't work he just want to do more of it. He has also bought into the global alarmist doctrine.

I do not support Huckabee because he sees government as the solution to our problems and not being the problem. He's also bought into the global alarmist doctrine.

Fred Thompson has now withdrawn, but he never did push any of my buttons.

Based on the improvements he made as mayor of New York I think Rudy Giulliani with make a reasonable president, however I think there would be accusations of corruption in his administration.

My first choice would be Mitt Romney. He is not perfect, but I think he has good judgment and he understands the principles behind a successful business. I think he is the only candidate who has the ability as president to prevent an economic disaster in this country.

Correct business principles will be a major factor in bringing in the new age and Romney is the one most in harmony with the divine purpose to be expressed through business.

If he gets the nomination we will see a contest between Aquarian energies and the Piscean. It will be a close election.