1999-6-14 09:10:00
My friends,
This will be my last post for a day or two. I have to take a quick trip to San Diego and back.
Thanks for correcting me Xavier on the Love thing. My dyslexia kicked in again.
The Question:
"Let us look at detachment in the positive aspect and tell us exactly what this quality is and why this it is so important in the eyes of the Masters."
Saul stated:
"Detachment is the polar opposite of attachment. When neutralized these result in freedom, auto-determination without external restraint. It is a quality of oneness of spirit not restricted by the duality; it works with Freedom is as much a quality of consciousness as love."
The trouble is you're still talking about duality. Freedom is the opposite of imprisonment. Auto-determination is the opposite of tyranny, and spirit is opposite of matter. You cannot live in duality and not be in duality. That is an oxymoron.
I thought Samu gave a good comment on this:
Attaching yourself mentally or emotionally to a 'frame in the film' would not only move your focus away from the here and now, it would also mean that you step outside the 'life in the making process' and choose to dwell in a world where everything just is. How could you make good and wise decisions today if they are based on old news of the past? :)Samu
Zina also indicated that one who is detached has the viewpoint of the observer. This is a good point.
A working disciple must be versatile for several reasons.
First he can receive a message that will completely change his direction and personal plans at any given moment. If he is attached to those plans and directions then he may reject or alter important higher instructions necessary to the work.
Secondly, he may make some personal mistakes that need to be corrected in order to complete the mission. If he is attached to being right, or to his way of doing things, then the mission may fail.
Thirdly, the disciple will receive knowledge that may contradict things he has believed all his life. If he is attached to his old beliefs then he may not be usable as a student or teacher.
Attachment is a very misunderstood concept and is often mistaken for virtue. For instance, an attachment of one person toward another is often called love, and this is the only version of love that many people understand. But it is not love; it is attachment, a desire to hold on to a thing or person. True love always involves a desire to serve and to help or enhance, not just a desire to hold on because of a desire to possess.
There will be many times that the working disciple will have to use the power of detachment. He must realize that he is not his body, not his feelings and not even his mind and stand back and watch these feelings and thoughts brood and move, yet make his decisions in the light of the soul without attachments to thoughts and feelings of his lower bodies.
Here are the three qualities we have named so far.
(1) Soul contact
(2) Holding the mind steady in the light
(3) Detachment when necessary.
Now let me name three more important qualities and, for the next two days, hopefully the group can bring forth their wisdom and explain why the Masters need these qualities in a working disciple.
(4) The ability to either send or receive, to be either a teacher or a student as the situation demands. How are many people in illusion about this quality?
(5) The habit of reflecting daily, hourly, weekly on the results of the work and teachings and ways to make improvements.
(6) The possession of talents and abilities that will give him or her power to get the attention of the people and influence them in a positive direction.
Talking about these three should give some good food for thought until I return.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved