2008-1-15 06:06:00
JohnC quoting JJ:
"Let us move on to the controversial candidate - Ron Paul."
JohnC writes:
"It's a shame that he is considered "controversial." I find much to like about the Libertarian philosophy, but even is you know a correct principle, if you can't sell it to the public, then it's not too useful."
JohnC quoting JJ:
"The most striking thing of his writing is how childlike it is. Many of the characteristics of has handwriting are like that of an obedient eighth grader who is doing his best to follow his teacher's instructions."
"Ron Paul is a doctor. Wonder if that affects his handwriting."
He doesn't write like any doctor I've ever seen. For one thing, his handwriting is very legible. He also takes his time and is not in a rush like most doctors. His handwriting does show a strong care giving aspect though -- more like many nurses.
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