2008-1-15 04:36:00
Let us move on to the controversial candidate - Ron Paul. Fortunately, I have a pretty good sample of his handwriting plus signatures so I should be able to be fairly accurate.
The most striking thing of his writing is how childlike it is. Many of the characteristics of has handwriting are like that of an obedient eighth grader who is doing his best to follow his teacher's instructions. Also there is a significant interest in the past. He likes things that are old, often just because they are old and belong to a previous era. He sees the past as more desirable than the present or the future. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that he wishes he lived 200 years ago.
He is very thrifty in his own life and will painfully do without to make his personal finances work. It looks like this attitude carries over into his politics as he is very supportive of reduced spending.
He doesn't like conflict and doesn't like to argue and has difficulty in dealing with hurt feelings when a conflict arises. He has a hard time forgetting and forgiving people who offend him - but would probably not admit this publicly. Even though he does not like conflict he has a strong sense of duty to defend that which he has been taught that he deems to be true. This may lead him into conflict. When someone disagrees with him he likes to just give his views and let it go at that. It bothers him when someone directly challenges his logic - unfortunately, this does not happen often.
One surprising thing is what a team player and conformist he is when he is viewed as such a rebel. How can this be true?
It is true because he has picked his team. To the other teams he seems to be a contrarian and rebel but to his own team he walks in lockstep seeking to conform to his own group thoughtform and not offend any core values.
Of all the candidates he is the strongest conformist, but the conforming is to his own group.
He learns by study and absorbing that which is written or taught by his mentors and then conforming and promoting those teachings. He's not a quick learner, but a methodical one who takes in things one step at a time. A lot of his answers in interviews and debates that seem spontaneous are not but prepared in his mind beforehand. He's not big on thinking on his feet, but draws from a reservoir of information stored in his brain that makes him look more spontaneous than he is. This is evidenced when he is asked a question that he has not seen before. In this case he seems to stumble or merely says he has no answer.
He is the least creative of the candidates analyzed so far and this is one reason that some find him refreshing. Instead of giving a creative answer that can be seen as spin he just gives a fairly straight up answer that makes him look like a non politician.
Because he gives stark answers many assume he is very honest and open, but such is not there case. He is very secretive and unlike others we have analyzed he is consistently secretive and has thoughts he has never shared with anyone, even close associates. He will deceive when it is necessary to protect objectives he does not want made public. When he seems to be giving starkly open answer he is usually holding back.
He is perhaps the most controversial politician in America now, but if he revealed all he really thought he'd probably be locked up or at the least shunned like a leper.
He has an average emotional response to situations and people, but strong passion for his beliefs. His emotional intelligence is lacking and needs to work on being more emotionally spontaneous. It would probably lengthen his life 5 or 10 years if he let loose and partied like a wild man for a few months. He is wound too tight and needs to loosen up a little. This statement has nothing to do with his political views.
He suppresses emotion but is a believer in exercise so this helps to neutralize some of the negative effects of the suppression.
If he were to become president he would probably become very frustrated as his simplistic approach to creating change would produce little change. After about two years in office rumors would start circulating that he is thinking of resigning and planning on moving to a far away island to salvage his sanity.
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved