2008-1-14 11:40:00
Next let us look at John Edwards.
Since the first time I laid eyes on him I have hoped that he never achieves any authority over my life and now that I see his writing I understand why.
The main reason this guy wants to be president is he sees it as a path to personal glory and adulation from the people. While it is true that most candidates like to bask in attention and have some glamour, most of them have some type of service to the country and people in mind. This guy has service to himself as the goal and manages to conjure up tremendous personal energy for such an uninteresting task.
Edwards decides what he wants and goes after it very aggressively. There is almost nothing he would not do to achieve his desired personality ends. Then when he makes some gains he holds on to them tooth and nail.
In politics as well as other facets of his life he has a hidden agenda. That which he reveals about himself or his thoughts will either be the opposite of the truth or a little truth with the rest covered up. He is very secretive. I would wonder if even his wife knows the real John Edwards.
If I didn't know who this guy was and someone showed me his signature I would guess he was a cult leader. His ideals and visions border on fanaticism and if he were not a politician he could have easily been a preacher with a vision of the end of the world talking people of low intelligence into signing over their homes to him.
He is very passionate and emotionally responsive to the extent that many average people feel he has reached out to them in some way.
He is quite gutsy in going after what he wants. He goes where angels fear to tread.
Like many other politicians Edwards can certainly turn on the charm, but what he cannot do is create a plan that appeals to the intellect of anyone of vision.
Pray that this man never becomes president.
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved