2008-1-9 05:53:00
Since Hillary Clinton just made a big comeback and won New Hampshire let us analyze her next.
Fortunately in this case I have a reasonable sample to analyze.
The most outstanding feature of her writing is her intelligence. This must be respected whether one agrees with her or not. She has a very sharp mind, very perceptive and almost psychic in tapping into her gut feelings. Overall her basic intelligence is higher than her husband's. This doesn't mean she will be right more than him but that her capacity to use her brain to get what she wants is higher. If she had an affair she would be much less likely to get caught than Bill would be.
She's very good at thinking on her feet and strategizing. Critics often have said that nothing happens by accident with her but everything is planned. There is probably some truth in this as she is much more capable than average of staging events to create an outcome.
Just before the New Hampshire Primary she was caught on camera almost coming to tears and critics think this was staged. It could have been as she has a lot of control over her emotions and could have staged such a thing to influence votes. There's no way to know for sure, but her handwriting reveals the intelligence to plan such a thing.
She projects to those who know her a strong desire to compromise and get along. She doesn't fully follow through on this projection. She makes people think she is more cooperative than she is but she is still more flexible and willing to listen more than her critics believe. She does legitimately change her mind from time to time.
Her writing reveals that one area where she does not hold back on compromise is with her husband. Some think she stays with him for political reasons only, but this is not fully the case. She sees him as a fun-loving guy to be with and goes out of her way to accommodate him. He brings out the free spirit within her and she likes that and this causes her to cover up and forgive his sins as much as political ambition.
She has been much more aware of his infidelities that she has let on and has calculatingly formed a defense time and time again.
She has a healthy emotional intelligence and does not suppress. If she gets angry she will release it and if she is hurt she will work through it.
Another surprise for some is that she is not in politics because she wants attention. She is in it because she is a true believer in her ideology. She actually has lower self-confidence and esteem than average and doesn't have as much faith in herself as appears. Her lack of confidence is probably the real reason she did not run for president in 2004 instead of a calculated decision.
She overcomes this self-image problem with dogged determination, self-control and a calculating mind.
As far as revealing her thoughts goes she is all over the map. With some people she will be very open and candid and they will feel special because she is extremely open. With others she will hold back and reveal little. The with a third group (probably Republicans) she will be very secretive as well as deceptive.
She has a lot of male energy and if I did not know who had written the sample I see I could not tell if she were male or female.
She is careful about choosing her close friends.
She has many things she wants to accomplish but has difficulty in creating the steps to accomplishment the follow through even though her desire to accomplish is great.
She is sensitive to criticism.
She likes to make up her own mind and doesn't like people making decisions for her. Once she makes a definite decision she holds to it strongly and proceeds with determination.
The bottom line is this. If she has a practical belief system she can accomplish much good, but if she has illusionary beliefs then she can take many people with her along an undesirable path.
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved