2008-1-4 15:37:00
Adrian wrote:
"Q: Who will be the Republican and Democrat nominees?
"A: Giuliani & Obama.
"Q: Who will be the next president?
"A: Rudy Giuliani.
"Q: Will the [US] dollar fare better or worse against the Euro?
"A: Worse. The Eurozone will prosper fairly well during 2008 compared with the US. Recent political changes in France and Germany will provide the momentum to prevent these areas slipping into recession during 2008. However recession will be declared in the US and UK mid to late 2008 when two consecutive quarters of negative growth are announced. The Euro will gain strength over the dollar which will have a more negative effect on the EU in 2009. The [US] Dollar will show some recovery in 2009. Current EU trade levels with China and other Far Eastern countries will provide a limited wind break from a down turn in the US economy.
"Q: What will be the main source of destruction this year? Will it be weather, fire, hurricanes etc?
"A: Hurricanes and more devastating fires in southern Europe, particularly Turkey and the US.
"Q: What will happen in the housing market?
"A: A decline in prices of around 17 - 25 percent (depending on regions) in the US and UK, continuing into the first half of 2009.
"There will be a terrorist attack upon a major oil refinery. (Probably in the US but may be in Europe.)
"There will be a major terrorist attack in France.
"Oil prices will reach 147 [USD] a barrel.
"Vanessa Redgrave, Jimmy Carter, Pope Benedict and Eric Clapton will die in 2008.
"Inflation in the US and Europe will rise to 8 percent to 10 percent (excluding housing) by the end of the year and continue to rise in 2009.
"Unemployment in the US will reach the highest level for the past 15 years.
"Major advancements in the treatment of cancer will be announced in 2008 indicating a real possibility of at least being able to control most cancers within 5 to 10 years.
"The Taliban will gain strength in Pakistan where democracy will continue to falter.
"Russia will feel increasingly emboldened to exert its influence in places around the world where it has only a limited influence over the past 15 years, spurred on by the apparent weakening US, and its own increasing wealth, controlled by a small elite of cadres.
"2009 will be a worse year than 2008! (But things will pick up after that.)"
Wow, Adrian. Those are great predictions.
The scary part is they are logical and believable.
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