2008-1-4 05:49:00
Now that the USA election primaries have started, the suggestion that I analyze the handwriting of the presidential candidates strikes me as a good idea, and something that many would find of interest.
There is one small problem, and that is the candidates' handwriting is very difficult to run down. One would almost think they are avoiding having their handwriting examined.
Since Barack Obama is the big winner in the Iowa Primary, I thought I would start with him. After spending considerable time searching for his handwriting all I have been able to find is his signature which you can view at:
This isn't much to go on but it does reveal a couple things.
First it reveals a pleasant personality having a degree of charm. Obama likes to take on responsibility. He is creative and fairly intelligent has good integrity according to his belief system.
The most troubling thing about him (according to his handwriting) is if he were to be come president is his inclination to gloss over details. He will go for the big picture but without a full plan--or maybe with no plan--and hope the correct foundation gets laid and things work out. If he is lucky others will step in and fill the gaps, but if his is not then disaster could result.
He is also quite secretive so don't assume he gives us all this thoughts or plans.
He is sensitive about his name. Because it is different I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't kidded about it when he was young and has hurt feelings over it that he has not yet released.
Here are a few of my personal thoughts on Obama.
I think he is a genuinely nice person. He cares about his family, friends and country and does his best to serve with integrity. Of the big three contenders on the democratic side he is the most sincere with the least hypocrisy.
Like many democrats though he is in illusion about the virtues of socialism. This is illustrated by a statement he made:
"'We've got to make sure that people who have more money help the people who have less money,' Sen. Obama said. 'If you had a whole pizza, and your friend had no pizza, would you give him a slice?'"
What he is saying would be fine if he was just saying we should be generous but then leave it up to free will. The troubling statement was "We've got to make sure...."
The only way to make sure is to force people to do good and forcing people to do good is the source of all the great evils perpetuated throughout history.
Socialism would be fine if accomplished through free will but when accomplished by the force of Big Brother everything backfires. Not only are the rich made poor, but the poor become even more poor.
Also if he prematurely brings the troops home from Iraq he could undue much of the progress we have made there. If progress continues it can lead to changing the face of the Middle East for good over the next 50 years and pave the way for the Christ to walk again in those lands and freely teach without being crucified.
If any members find any other handwriting samples of Obama or other candidates please let me know.
Go to:
Obama Handwriting Analysis -- Part 2
Obama Handwriting Analysis -- Part 3
Obama Handwriting Analysis -- Part 4
Recommended Reading:
Handwriting Analysis (Article Index)
Is Obama An Enlightened Being?
Re: Obama Factcheck.Org
Proof that Ayers Wrote Obama's Books?
A Dose Of Caution
Of Human Bondage
Is Obama An Initiate?
Obama's Intelligence, Part One
Message from (Archangel) Michael -- Re: Barack Obama
Mr. Nice Guy (Barack Obama)
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved