2008-1-2 16:49:00
My Friends,
I'm finally back on line. We had to move to take care of my wife's mom in her old age and have been very busy the last week and will continue to be as we settle in the next week or so. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if we can make it to England and Europe this year but will as soon as practical.
I hope all of you had a happy new year and a great Christmas.
If anyone wants to make predictions again for 2008 feel free to do so. I think I made mine about the middle of the month last year and will wait a little while before I comment on last year's predictions.
If you made predictions last year and think you were on the money let us know and we'll see who was the most accurate.
I think we need some kind of point system for determining who made the best predictions.
For instance let us suppose someone predicts that Dennis Kucinich will not be elected president or that we are going to have weird weather. This is of course about 99 percent certain that it will come true and is not impressive and therefore not worth many points, even though it may prove accurate.
On the other hand, if someone had predicted that Huckabee would surge in the polls that would have been a good one and worth lots of points.
Also if the fulfillment of your predictions are clear and not subject to interpretation more points are deserved. For instance John mentioned scandals associated with Republicans. Now Larry Craig was seen as a definite scandal by all, even though it was a small one in my opinion. Larry Craig tapping his foot in the bathroom creating a misdemeanor has little to do with job performance, but for most people in the nation it seemed to be a big deal.
On the other hand, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Rumsfeld actions were considered scandals by the Democrats but praiseworthy by the Republicans and were subject to interpretation. Clinton, for instance, fired over a dozen times more attorneys than Gonzales did and this was not considered a scandal on his part.
Again, let me remind the group that my teaching on seeing the future is this. Certain ends can be known that are decided by higher lives but all the details of the future are fluid and cannot be know completely. If a person can achieve 50 percent accuracy on specific points that are not obvious then he is probably tuning into some spiritual currents, but even the Master DK [Djwhal Khul] was no more accurate than this.
That said, I encourage members of the group to give their predictions for 2008. It will be fun to see how close they come.
Here are several questions you can answer.
Who will be the Republican and Democrat nominees?
Who will be the next president?
Will the dollar fare better or worse against the Euro?
What will be the main source of destruction this year? Will it be
weather, fire, hurricanes etc?
What will happen in the housing market?
What famous celebrity will die?
What actors and movies will win academy awards?
Add anything you want to the list.
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved