2007-12-25 04:33:00
Thanks for posting the links to the Christmas related messages Bryan. I was just thinking that it would be nice to have them available at this time of year.
The message from 1998 particularly affected me. Even though I wrote it my heart is stimulated each time I read it and I am taken back to how I felt at that time.
You can read it here:
As I read over the various messages my mind reflected on what I could write at this time without repeating myself. Finally it came to me.
The Master rested from his work and arose
It was that time of the year again
The time that the nations celebrated his birth
And give gifts one to another.
He stood up and looked West
And saw to the East, and to the North and the South.
"What are the minds of men thinking this year?"
Was the thought that demanded an answer.
"Has the world made any progress?
"Is the consciousness of Christ that is in me ready to manifest in them?"
"If I go to them will they let me teach them,
Or will they crucify the Son of God anew?"
His eyes pierced the veil and he saw a man scolding his friends.
"You do not honor Christ by celebrating his birth on an old pagan holiday.
"Your giving gifts does not honor Him.
"Your celebrations are a mockery he would scorn."
But the Master looked into the hearts of his friends
And saw the consciousness of Christ taking birth.
One had donated gifts to poor children;
Gifts that made them feel like God cared for them.
Another gave more than he could afford to a Bell Ringer
And this lifted the spirits of the downtrodden.
Another sent a package to a soldier all alone away from home.
His heart was glad and felt peace in the midst of war.
The Master sent his thoughts to the mind of the scornful man.
"It is true that human materialism comes through at Christmas
"But so too does the better part of the human spirit.
"Some of the forgotten are remembered and give glory to God."
He looked again and saw a Father troubled by a recent divorce,
separated from his children.
His ex-wife hated him and tore up all his letters and trashed his presents.
This Christmas a letter and presents came again, but this time she
thought of Christ,
Her heart was softened and the children saw the words "I love you, from Dad."
The Master looked far away and saw a man who had lost his faith.
Poor fellow was about to glare at the skies and curse God for his troubles.
A knock came at the door - young carolers sang with giving spirit.
The words and melodies gave new birth to his wounded heart - he would
try and believe again.
Again he looked and saw a man hurriedly driving through the snow,
late for a Christmas party.
He spotted a car stuck off the road and was about to pass by, but
then stopped for that's what Jesus would do.
It was a lady on the way to the hospital to see her father before he died.
He helped her on her way, was late for the party but on time for Christmas.
The Master looked again and again and saw good works that may have
not been done if not for Christmas.
His heart was gladdened
Not because Christmas was as he designed
Not because humanity was particularly spiritual.
Not because they gave gifts
Not even because this was his birthday, for it is not.
His heart was gladdened because those who paused to think of his
message this season
Went the extra mile in helping their fellowmen,
And lifted their spirits.
Perhaps when every day is Christmas there will be peace on earth good
will to men.
Copyright © 2007 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved