2007-12-24 05:38:00
Ruth writes:
"I read this the other night, and wondered where the 9,000 teaching Disciples would come from (the physical realm or mental?), and why 9,000, not 10 or 20 thousand? Are they from the Ten Tribes?
"'Djwhal Khul tells us that he will have 9000 teaching disciples with Him after He gets settled in to work. There will be many more than this number who will assist Him but these 9000 will have ability to understand the Christ and transmit His teachings in a way that will reach the masses.'"
Glad to see you still posting. Hope you find time to hang around.
I also found this figure of 9000 assistants interesting. It is fewer than the 144,000 expected by some Christians, yet many more than those who with Christ the first time.
Actually, Jesus had more assistants than the twelve apostles. We are also told that he sent out 70 other disciples to teach and heal. In addition we are told that a company of women followed him. After the resurrection there were 120 faithful that met together.
It's probably safe to say that he had somewhere around that number assisting him on some level when he was here.
But here's the interesting thing. When he was here 2000 years ago he and his assistants only ministered to only a few thousand people. Jerusalem had a population of about 80,000 and the whole land of his administering was less than a million.
When he comes again the world will have over 6 billion people and he will be able to reach most of them through the modern media. Because of the vast numbers that will have to be reached he will need much more assistance than he did before. I would suppose he will need at least 9000.
This does not mean he will have this number in the beginning of his ministering. It may take over a hundred years to prepare this many disciples to be of real service.
DK evidently was able to come with this number because the Masters keep track of all disciples on the planet and they probably assessed that there should be 9000 ready for teaching when he needs them.
I know that for many who earnestly seek and want to share light with others it may seem that even 9000 would be an impossible number to gather. I have been teaching on the internet in this forum since 1998 have we have only gathered 436 members to this list and most of them are not ready to do any teaching.
Part of the work for all disciples in and out of this group is to seek out and gather those who can assist Christ when he comes. It indeed looks like we have a long way to go, but the soil is more fertile than it appears. Think back to the story of Elijah in the days of Ahab and Jezebel. Elijah was discouraged because he though all Israel was lead astray by their wickedness. He complained to God that he was the only faithful person left. Obviously, he felt very alone. He was in for a surprise, however, when he heard the voice of God correcting him. The voice told him that he was not alone, but there were seven thousand others who were yet faithful.
I'm sure Elijah's first thought was: "Where the hell are they?"
Correspondingly, we gather in this little group of 436 members with maybe a dozen posting regularly and some may also be like Elijah, look to the skies and ask: where are the others? Are we alone in seeking to pave the way for the Master?
There are many thousands my friends and they will eventually be reached. There are also other groups with other purposes, but the same ultimate goal of preparing the way for the Master.
My attention over the next couple years will be to reach out to the world -- outside of the people who would be drawn to a group like this. I have to get a book or a purpose out there that will arouse the curiosity of those hidden seekers so they can be gathered and stimulated with purpose, faith and hope.
The next net I am casting will be the book I have been posting called "Fixing America." If that doesn't do the trick I have another idea that will follow. Eventually something will catch the public attention and the good fish can be pulled into the spiritual net. Then the real work can begin.
Global Warming Enlightenment
"The fact is that the global temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as 2006 and every year since 2001.
"Global warming stopped? Surely not. What heresy is this? Haven't we been told that the science of global warming is settled beyond doubt and that all that's left to the so-called skeptics is the odd errant glacier that refuses to melt?
"Aren't we told that if we don't act now rising temperatures will render most of the surface of the Earth uninhabitable within our lifetimes? But as we digest these apocalyptic comments, read the recent IPCC's Synthesis report that says climate change could become irreversible. Witness the drama at Bali as news emerges that something is not quite right in the global warming camp.
Copyright © 2007 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved