2007-11-28 04:41:00
My Friends,
Allow me restate some guidelines for new members. In most areas there are no problems. Most of you remember to put OT before off topic subjects and to stay civil in your dialog.
We still get partisan political posts now and then we have to reject. We try to stay away from politics unless it is the topic under discussion and even then we try and stay away from the attack mode and stick to civil, logical dialog.
Try and limit your posts to three or less a day. If you have a lot to say or more than three posts to comment on please try and combine them.
Also we archive all the posts and edit the repetition out so if you are responding to a long post it helps to delete most of it and leave just enough so readers can identify it.
What I do is quote the sections that I am responding to and delete the rest.
Overall I am pleased with the cooperation of the group. It has been quite peaceful lately.
Copyright © 2007 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved