To Fix or Not Fix

2007-11-27 03:05:00

Larry writes:

"The title of the book you are working on is 'Fixing America.' I guess that clearly indicates that you think that it is possible, and even possibly a good idea. Given that you think that ultimately the Gathering will take place in floating cities which will be the new beacons of freedom, why do you think that 'Fixing America' is a good idea? Wouldn't it be more useful to leave America 'broken' so that those new cities of light will draw even more powerfully, given that the difference would be even more stark and obvious to those who really want freedom and opportunity?"


Good question Larry.

In the Bible prophets were sent with a message to repent to various wayward peoples. If they repented, as did Nineveh through the administration of Jonah, they were "fixed" and continued on in an improved situation. If they did not repent, as did Israel after the ministrations of Jeremiah, then they were destroyed.

In this age when a nation reaches a perilous point, modern day prophets come forward. Instead of just giving the stereotype call for repentance, they teach the principle of repentance which is this:

Stop your journey toward a path that leads to slavery and destruction, turn around and fix the problems. Then continue on in a new and improved direction.

Many authors have come forward and written books telling America and other nations the error of their ways in economics, immigration, defense, enforced socialism and other problematic areas. These are like modern day prophets and unfortunately, they are ignored like the ancient prophets.

Whenever a nation becomes threatened the soul of that nation will send forth enlightened individuals who will attempt to fix the problems. Sometimes the problems are partially fixed and the nation continues on for a time. Eventually, all nations crystallize and reach their end and are replaced by a new creation.

It is always desirable that a nation repair itself so the good and decent people can live out their lives and obtain some joy while learning important lessons.

My book on fixing America can have a positive effect whether or not America does see improvements.

  1. It is possible it can stimulate some change and thereby giving the lights more time to prepare for things to come and in more comfortable circumstances than would otherwise be the case.
  2. If the country heads toward a destructive course with no correction then what I write can supply good seed ideas to make the new civilization more stable and successful.

Whenever there is a great change developing between the ages the old is always given the opportunity to accept the new. If the old does not accept, or at least tolerate, then they will be destroyed by natural forces to pave the way for the new.