2007-11-26 05:32:00
Here are three additional songs I wrote for my wife Artie around 1988 near the time we got married.
I think only Love when I think of you.
I think only Love - What else can I do?
I think only Love when I think of you.
I think of only Love.
I feel only good when I feel for you
I feel only joy - You know its true.
I think only Love when I think of you.
I think of only Love.
I think of only love; Think of only Love.
I think of only loving you ... forever.
I think of only Love; Think of only Love
Think of only loving you for-e-e-ever.
Thoughts of you turn the dark to light.
I see the Sun on a moonless night.
I think only Love when I think of you.
I think of only Love.
Thoughts of you are like happiness
Intensified by your tenderness.
I think only Love when I think of you.
I think of only Love.
All of me for all of you to see
One with you in a perfect unity
All of me for all of you to be
All my love I will give for all yours too
From my Soul I will feel what you do too.
For all time our hearts will be so true
To each other.
I've been searching for A heart such as yours
To be one mind For all time
If I'm dreaming I'll wake up screaming
But inside I feel Everything's for real
For you and me Eternally.
All I have for all that you have too
All I want is to really share with you
All of me and all of you see
The feelings I have for all your feelings it seems
The thoughts I think are like the dreams you dream
The love we share to me is everything
Of value.
I've been searching for A heart such as yours
To be one mind For all time
If I'm dreaming I'll wake up screaming
But inside I feel Everything's for real
For you and me Eternally.
All of me for all of you to see
One with you in a perfect unity
All of me for all of you to be
If I had to choose between liking or loving, I'd be in love with you.
If I had to choose between loving or trusting, I would trust in you.
Trust in you Trust in you.
Lo-o-ove. I'd be in love with you.
Tru-u-ust. I would trust in you.
Trust in you.
If I had to choose between nothing or dreaming, I would dream of you.
If I had to choose between dreaming or living, I would live with you.
Live with you... Live for you.
Dre-e-eam. I would dream of you.
Li-i-ive. I would live with you.
Live for you.
Give me power to choose and say you'll stay
Let's make life more than a dream.
Make all our words come true in a single day
Dream of me...I'll dream of you
Love me...I'll love you too... Trust me.
If I had to choose between walking or running, I would walk with you.
If I had to choose between walking or lying, I would lie with you.
Lie with you Lie with you.
Wa-a-alk. I would walk with you.
Li-i-ie. I would lie with you.
Lie with you.
Copyright © 2007 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved