Expanding the Ring-Pass-Not

2007-11-14 05:28:00

A reader asks:

"What is the best way to work towards overcoming a recognized ring-pass-not one would like to change, grow, evolve, transmute, transform?"


All of us have before us a number of abilities that seem to be beyond our ring-pass-not. Quite a number of them are things we all wish we had the consciousness to apply. For instance, it would be nice to walk through walls, turn invisible, to heal at will, ascend to higher worlds, and others.

However, these type of things are a number of steps beyond the ring-pass-not of the average seeker. Instead of attacking the seeming impossible the seeker must tackle his next step. Unfortunately, there is usually a big problem in taking his next step.

And what is that?

It is that he cannot see it. On hindsight, after it is taken, it will seem obvious, but when he faces it he can often not see the forest for the trees.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. He overestimates his place on the Path and thinks he has already completed a step that is yet to be successfully taken.
  2. The next step is not something he really wants to take. He thus seeks to bypass it. Unfortunately, each step must be taken and higher powers will keep bringing him back to his next step and force it to be taken, even if great pain is involved. Most of the pain we suffer is caused by resistance to the promptings of the Spirit to progress.

In a simple statement the best way to work toward expanding the next ring on the ring-pass-not is to contemplate and think back to the last definite inner direction you have received affecting your spiritual progress. It may have been yesterday or thirty years ago. You may have even put it aside so successfully that you have forgotten it. Even so, you must find it and then seek to do it until the step is accomplished. When the step is taken then you will be given direction for the next step. This time listen the first time and if you do it will not be long until your desires for achievement begin to materialize.