
2007-10-30 03:35:00

I've spent most my writing time today dueling on Sterling's ex-Mormon list. I have to adjust my consciousness to talk to these guys but every once in a while one is influenced.

The one guy has Dewey for a first name and this makes the exchange a little confusing to some. He thinks Jesus is here and working in Utah. The other guy, Brian, has been regularly challenging me.

Dewey O writes:

"JJ Don't get hung up on the Place... If he wants to come to Boise, ID he can....

"I think he might come to the most wicked city on earth... He did it when he came the 1st time, why not do it again?"


No one is saying that any human being cannot travel to wherever he wants but we both know that your messiah has his home in Utah -- the land of Deseret.

My main point was that a true teacher is recognized by his words and works and we have none available to witness for your guy because he is hiding in a secret chamber.


2nd Post

Dewey O writes:

"The two paths of the Dewey's

"(JJ Method):
I will Know the Christ when:
I recognize the Christ by his words.
I recognize the Christ by his works.

"(Dewey O Method):
I receive the witness of the Holy Ghost... This is the Christ."


The first problem is that you haven't stated my method correctly. Let me clarify:

JJ Method:

I take in his words and watch his works and then seek verification from the Holy Spirit about them. If the words and works are true then he is a true servant. That still doesn't mean he is Christ or OMS [the One Mighty & Strong] and chances are it does not matter. What matters is what he teaches and what he is attempting to accomplish.

Dewey O Method as he relates it to David's Outcast:

Even though we know nothing of a possible Messiah's words or works we are to pray and ask where he is and who he is. We are supposed to get a revelation on this.

Question to Dewey O:

Are you telling us to follow the path you have set by example?

Based on not reading or hearing anything this Christ has written and not knowing his name and not knowing any of his works one day out of the blue you prayed and God told you his name and where to find him. Is this what happened to you? It would have to be if you did what you expect us to do.

I suspect that you already knew this guy's identity and read some of his words before you received your witness as you suppose.

Am I right?

If so then why did you have the advantage of reading his words first and we do not?

Second question:

Has even one single soul followed your advice and received a witness following the procedure you outline? If so where is he or she and let him testify. In the mouth of two or more witnesses shall all things be established.

If not then is the Holy Ghost asleep -- or what is the problem here? Christ will require thousands and eventually millions to assist him in his work. If this method you outline doesn't work then how will the scriptures as you interpret them be fulfilled? Perhaps there is a "Plan B"?


3rd Post

Dewey O:

"Gods and angels and prophets. The greatest witness is the witness of the holy ghost...not the prophets words...not his works."


"This is certainly how things went down the first time Jesus walked this earth. His words and works were said to be of the devil, that of a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and harlots. How did Jesus acknowledge when the first disciple realized fully who he was? Jesus said: Congratulations, Peter, you could only know this because the Holy Ghost told you."


Not quite. It was AFTER Peter heard the words of Jesus and saw his works that he received the witness. He also knew who Jesus was before such witness.

Here are further scriptures that tell us how to recognize true servants:


4th Post


"One problem with the words and works testimony is the time will come when evil is called good, and good, evil."


The time is always the present with this problem. Many called Jesus evil while he was among us.

Jesus said "my sheep will hear my voice." Those who are in tune will recognize the true words and works. Those who are into self will not.


"So you see, like I tried to say earlier, I do not claim to be the OMS, but I do know the real OMS is going to recognize my words and my works and the things God has done in my life, even my wives so disdained here by most as evil, and that is the biggest way I will know him.


There are several problems with this approach. First you could be in error on a number of items.

Secondly the OMS may not be interested in the same things you are.

I take a different approach. It matters not to me if a great one recognizes me and my work. My only concern is whether his words and works harmonize with the Spirit. If they do then I will support him whether he recognizes me or not.

I see a number of great souls out there in the world doing work that harmonizes with the Spirit who would disagree with me on a number of items, but so what? The important thing is that the great work moves forward.

No servant is perfect in the eyes of the student. Even the apostles had problems with Jesus.


5th Post


"How easy it is, JJ, to say dismiss another by saying 'you may be in error.' I am also NOT be in error. Why don't you show me the error of my way by correcting my explanations of the specific codes I specifically deal with."


Why get in a tissy over the fact you may be in error? Anyone can error including myself.

And what's the big deal about the codes you think you have solved? How will that help build Zion? Why should anyone pay attention to this?


"I know they are correct, I also know any honest person with no big agenda to prove otherwise can see them as true."


So what?


"So you are saying, in Heaven, I can co-author a set of writings with Jesus Christ, in His office as grand Mage, have it sent down to earth; then when I come to earth, do my job in explaining the codes, that same Jesus who comes as the OMS is not going to even have enough interest to at least acknowledge what any schoolboy could acknowledge, because 'maybe he has different interests'?"


Sounds like you're right up there with the head guy.


"Maybe your Jesus is a fair weather friend, mine most certainly is not."


Then why doesn't he acknowledge you?


"Jesus has never let me down in this life once. It takes a long time sometimes, but he never lets me down. Now you flippantly think you can explain me away with some vague innuendo about maybe I am in error and maybe the OMS doesn't care about my work."


Why should he care? Name and expound on one true principle Crowley has taught that originated with him. I haven't found any so my interest in him is minimal.


"The law goes out of Zion, not a thousand rehashed articles, JJ. So at least the OMS is going to come up with Law."

"Won't you be looking like a horse's ass, JJ, if it turns out Liber AL is the Law that comes out of ZION?"


I have no idea what Liber AL is.


"You write so wisely about the Magi, yet when you come face to face with real magi, you don't have a clue."


And why should we believe you are a real magi? Because you have solved a code? And what does that accomplish and why should we care?


"Right, the little Christ child who was honored by the Magi won't have any interest, value, respect, or dealings with real magi when he comes.

"How stupid is this OMS you would have me believe in?"


Any teacher worth his salt will be interested in your true progression but he will not work to inflate your ego or sustain your illusions.


6th Post


"JJ Dewey, either declare you are NOT the OMS or... If you are the OMS... act like it."


I've answered this question before. Here it goes again.

I am not mighty and strong, but the opposite. I am one of the weak things of the world as predicted in the following verse:

"The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones, that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh..." (D & C 1:19)

I am the worst nightmare of those who think they are mighty and strong.

The only true Mighty and Strong One is the Spirit of God and he upon whom he descends is a vessel of strength but God is no respecter of persons and the Spirit can descend on anyone who is capable of receiving it.


7th Post


"You ride the first part like a horse, making yourself one of the weak things of the world. But the horse bucks you off soon enough, because the verse continues 'that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh.' Gosh, I wonder whether it's me or JJ Dewey who spends his time and energy writing thousands of articles, doing what, counseling his fellow man."


So, do you think Jesus and Joseph Smith also violated this scripture by giving out teachings?

I don't think so.

Obviously you are not interpreting it correctly.

The scripture is not by any means condemning the giving out teachings but condemns actions that cause others to lean on the arm of flesh. If it did condemn teaching we would have to eliminate all schools. It is speaking of the habit many have of not making their own decisions without consulting an authority. I make it a habit to stay out of the way of influencing people in their personal decisions.