2007-10-18 11:35:00
Ruth asks how the cycle of 7 female and seven males lives works out within the 1000 lifetimes.
You just do not one set of cycles of seven and seven but many within the 1000. After seven lives as a male and then seven as a female the cycle repeats.
However, this is not a black and white number. If a life or two is cut short it mat take more than seven lives to complete the cycle. In essence there are seven waves of female then male energy to pass through and then it is repeated.
Things change somewhat when the person becomes a disciple. At this point he has learned most of the lessons of the two energies and can choose his sex. He can pick the vehicle which is most useful fort the service required.
During the Piscean Age a greater percentage of disciples incarnated in male bodies because of the greater opportunity. That is changing, however, in this age because of the greater opportunity for service and equality as a female today. The disciple is more interested in opportunity than gender or race.
The 1000 lifetimes are experienced in this system of creation and during this period all seven chakras are developed. These are lives in physical or etheric bodies. They may not all be on this earth.
During the first 777 lives progression is very slow and made mostly by trial and error. After this the pilgrim begins to search for meaning and answers. Somewhere near the thousandth life the disciple reverses his journey around the zodiac and goes through the labors of Hercules. This can take from 12 to 36 lives.
The seven initiations are not directly linked to the opening of the centers. At the time of the first initiation the lower centers are mostly open and the throat and heart are partially opened, but not completely under control. One can still find correspondences to the centers. For instance, the first initiation is symbolized by a rebirth -- the birth of the Christ in the heart.
The first center is the source of physical life, but the first initiation is about the birth of spiritual life, a higher octave of the first center.
We have lived more than a thousand lives if we were to go back to previous systems and universes but the door to those memories is closed to all, except the mind of God itself. We are eternal beings who live endless lives.
Global Warming Enlightenment
"Some scientists think that undersea volcanoes and lava leaking from deep cracks on the floor of the Pacific Ocean may heat the water enough to start an El Nino. Sonar images of the sea floor near Hawaii and along the East Pacific Rise, a crack extending from the Gulf of California to Easter Island, show lava erupting along the ocean floor. Earthquakes usually coincide with volcanic eruptions, and an increase in the number of earthquakes near Easter Island corresponding to recent occurrences of El Nino suggests that volcanic eruptions in this region may help trigger an El Nino event."
("El Nino: Stormy Weather for People and Wildlife" By Caroline Arnold, 1998, Pg 25)
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