The Two Flows

1999-6-7 10:03:00

Maybe we can get to the five situations now. I appreciate those of you who commented. You presented different points of view worthy of consideration. I won't name names on this because I'm bound to leave some good ones out, but I will try to cover some ground that has not been posted yet.

The first question to ask is what is the common thread that runs through the four situations?

Answer: All these situations bring high resistance because change for the better is on the horizon. Those who are stuck in the path of least resistance only are afraid of positive change and resist it, especially if it directly affects them.

The key to solving these situations is to make the change as harmless as possible to those who have power to create problems.

(1) You are a member of Congress and are in charge of creating a program that would alter our revenue system and would eliminate the IRS. The people in the IRS are alarmed at the idea and are making subtle threats to audit the dickens out of anyone having a hand in this. How do you lower their existence, but still get the job done?

The greatest problem here is the individual employees and hierarchy of the IRS who would be afraid of losing their jobs and position. This reaction is no different than any other group of people trying to make a living.

Therefore, even though it may cause some temporary expense, the employees should be guaranteed a safe transition into new careers with similar positions and pay. If their change is minimal their resistance will be minimal.

(2) You discover your boss is stealing from the company. What do you do to avoid you boss getting back at you?

Several of you gave good answers on this such as going to the boss's superior and being as anonymous as possible. One thing you wouldn't want to do is threaten him directly, unless you enjoy high resistance.

(3) An angel appears to you and tells you to teach the principle of reincarnation to religious people who do not believe in it. How do you lower their resistance so they will listen?

Remember, resistance is caused by the threat of change? Accepting reincarnation would be a bigger change than they could accept. Therefore, go first among the group as a teacher of doctrine they already believe in but shed additional light for them and gain their trust. Then after you gain their trust, take them step by step into higher knowledge.

(4) Your company is having a cash flow problem and the only way to make cuts is in wages. You can let some people go or cut wages. You know that there are about 10% of the employees who are old timers who will have very hurt feelings if you touch their income or let them go. How do you handle this?

I would call in these old timers and lay the situation before them and let them have some input as to how to solve the problem. Make them feel special and arrange things so they will not have sudden change income or status.

(5) You have a lover who is not working out for you and have decided you must let him/her go even though he/she still loves you. You know that he/she will be extremely upset and resistant. How do you lower resistance here?

The best answer here is to avoid the situation to begin with. Be extremely careful as to who you choose for romantic relationships. If you ever have to break it off with someone who wants to continue, you are in for high resistance and there is nothing you can do about it. Just prepare yourself to deal with the worst, for not even gentleness and kindness are much good here.

Anni wanted a better understanding of the two paths. Perhaps this will help. The path of high resistance is not exactly going against the flow because there are two flows. One we could call the material flow and the other the spiritual. Because most people go with the material flow, the one who goes with the spiritual flow goes against the grain of 99% of the people in one way or another.

As the ego begins incarnation as a human, he goes with the material flow as a leaf is carried in a stream of water. He seems to have free will but from a higher point of view he goes with the material flow and puts up no resistance.

He even goes with this flow astrologically and from life to life goes clockwise through the zodiac. As he senses the higher energies and becomes a disciple, he goes against the regular flow and in a reverse direction with a new flow. He then progresses counterclockwise through the astrological cycle.

When the disciple then goes in the direction of the spiritual energies, he will begin to encounter high resistance as he continues motion in the material sphere. He will be like a fish swimming upstream in the material, but downstream in the spiritual.

This has made it very difficult for initiates to concretize their plans in the physical. As it often happens, the plans are materialized by those who are on the path of least resistance and are often far from the original vision of the disciple.

Consider Jesus, for example. When He was crucified He only had two hundred followers. But then after He and the apostles were removed from the scene, those who followed the path of least resistance finally built the church and gave it form and success, but not the vision of the Master.

Long before one has fully entered the path of high resistance, he senses the higher energies and experiments with them. He gets burned and discouraged a few times, but always tries again and again until the high resistance of the material world no longer has any effect on him, for the rewards of the spiritual energies become far more attractive than the material.