Other Selves

2007-10-15 11:19:00

Thomas brings up an interesting subject that we have not fully covered before which is basically this.

Dick Sutphen gives evidence that people can live more lives than one simultaneously. Under hypnosis he has had people regress into two different overlapping lifetimes. He then provides some evidence that these lives which were recalled were real people.

Does this mean that our essential self is split into two, four or more entities? Or do we have an oversoul which puts out a number of lives? Or is something else going on?

The first time I heard of this doctrine was in the writings of Lobsang Rampa who preceded Dick Sutphen. Here is what he teaches on the subject. He says that each of us is connected to an oversoul which is a greater entity which has a number of extensions. The oversoul can have three or four lives incarnated and then an additional three or more out of incarnation.

Before I give my views let me say this. Through the Oneness Principle any other soul in any time frame can be reached. Through regression techniques it is possible to have the subject tune into the consciousness of any other person and replicate his personality to a degree. This replication will not normally happen though unless the person is either directed or given a hint to move in this direction.

Also under hypnosis a person can create a false identity or falsely duplicate one he has heard about. A subject can falsely think he is recalling being Napoleon and create a personality for the hypnotist that is his best guess as to what Napoleon would be like.

Because I understand this I do not use hypnotic techniques in my regression. You don't have as high of a percentage of people regressing, but what is recalled is more accurate and you do not have so many false personalities manifesting.

No method is infallible but I have attempted to hone down my method so false recollection is at a minimum and when it does occur it is fairly obvious.

Dick Sutphen uses a deep hypnotic trance and in this state the subject seeks to do everything possible to please the hypnotist. If it appears the hypnotist desires a certain response then the inner mind will seek to bring forth that response.

Here was your quote from Sutphen talking to his subject: "You have the power and ability to draw upon all knowledge existing in the superconscious levels of your mind, and to allow this knowledge to flow down into the conscious mind as we work together. If you are now or have been another individual within the time-frame of your birth up until now, I want you to transfer identities with your own separate-self. If there is more than one, your mind will choose which of these simultaneous multiple incarnations you will experience this afternoon. If you are experiencing only your present incarnation on the earth, you will inform me of this after the completion of the actual transfer instructions."

Note the key phrase here: "If you are now or have been another individual within the time-frame of your birth up until now, I want you to transfer identities with your own separate-self."

When a hypnotized subject hears a phrase like this his black and white computer brain looks for command statements that it can manifest and the one thing that stands out is "I want you to transfer identities."

If a person is in a deep trance the "If" will be ignored and the command statement of transferring identities will be programmed into the mind. A person under hypnosis is capable of taking on a large variety of personalities and taking on a false past life would be no problem.

Stage hypnotists illustrate this every day. They will often bring a fairly introverted subject to the stage and tell him he is Elvis or some rock star and he will entertain the audience with a very amazing imitation. When he comes out of the trance he will not believe what his friends tell him he did when he performed.

Most regressions under hypnosis that brings forth two people in one timeline will have one or both of them being fabricated by the subject. Once in a while they will both be real people but the alternate one will be someone the subject tuned in to through an astral retrieval.

The question that remains is what is the real truth to the matter? Are there a dozen of us running around on several levels of existence?

As John would say the answer is yes and no.

From one point of view the answer is yes, many times yes. There are billions of extensions of ourselves as taught in the following mantra:

"The sons of men are one and I am one with them."

All of us spring from the one God and are linked just as the stars in the sky are linked to the one space from which they sprang. But just as each star has its separate existence and identity so also does humankind.

We thus have a link with each other through the one soul of humanity and any one individual when using the right principles can tune into any other individual.

In addition to this humanity branches forth like a great tree of life and those joining to create the same branch are more closely attuned to each other than with distant branches. Even so the same life energy of God flows through the whole of the tree.

Those closely linked are often nourished by the same solar angel and thus a sharing of consciousness comes quite easy. Such a solar angel could be compared to the oversoul as taught by some.

Even so we are not three people at once, but one person, which is you, and even though you are effected by group karma you are only responsible for your own deeds. You do not have al alter ego out there committing crimes or doing good deeds that is creating karma that has a direct effect on you. All the actions of others has an indirect effect but nothing as powerful as your own actions and deeds.

It would be unnerving indeed if we had to worry not only about our own actions but about some rogue Mr. Hyde out there creating havoc that you are responsible for because that evil Mr. Hyde is really you.

Fortunately, you are only you except in the universal sense that we are all brothers and offspring of higher lives. When we eventually go to higher spheres and see how the incarnation and evolution of the sixty billion monads played out and it will all add up and make sense.


Global Warming Enlightenment

ONE of the world's foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize "ridiculous" and the product of "people who don't understand how the atmosphere works".

Dr William Gray, a pioneer in the science of seasonal hurricane forecasts, told a packed lecture hall at the University of North Carolina that humans were not responsible for the warming of the earth.

"We're brainwashing our children," said Dr Gray, 78, a long-time professor at Colorado State University. "They're going to the Gore movie [An Inconvenient Truth] and being fed all this. It's ridiculous."

"We'll look back on all of this in 10 or 15 years and realize how foolish it was," Dr Gray said.

During his speech to a crowd of about 300 that included meteorology students and a host of professional meteorologists, Dr Gray also said those who had linked global warming to the increased number of hurricanes in recent years were in error.

He cited statistics showing there were 101 hurricanes from 1900 to 1949, in a period of cooler global temperatures, compared to 83 from 1957 to 2006 when the earth warmed.

http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/gore-gets-a-cold-shoulder/2007/10/13/1191\ 696238792.html