1999-6-6 23:49:00
I was touched by Jill's post and thought I would take a moment and comment.
Glenys is right about my limited time. I often feel bad when I read many of your great posts making important points and that I cannot comment on them all. Sometimes when I begin my writings I just have to make a sweeping statement about them. And, I do notice that when something noteworthy is said that I miss commenting on it seems that someone steps forward and fills the slack and often says the same thing about the post that I would--The Oneness Principle at work. Admittedly, we have not perfected it as a group, and the seeds have been planted and the ideal sensed by many.
As for you Jill, I was glad to see that both Zia (especially Zia), Glenys and possibly others have made good comments about your writings. I have also read them all and appreciate what you have said. Even though I have not mentioned you by name some of my recent responses have been with answering you and others in mind.
Let me make several comments to your questions.
You mention that Jesus wanted us to become as little children. This is true, however, then the scriptures seem to say the opposite here:
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." (I Cor 13:11-12)
So which scripture is correct?
Answer: They both are when you examine the meaning.
Jesus was talking about people who were set in their ways and refused to be open to new things. In this relationship He was telling us that we must be open-minded as children and be willing to learn to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Paul was also teaching the truth, and instead of attitude, he was talking about the learning process itself. He was saying that we grow up and mature, we learn better methods and gain knowledge, and as we do, we put away childish things like believing in Santa Claus just because someone tells you he exists. Yet we should always follow the advice of Jesus and be open to the possibility.
We must become as open as a child to receive soul contact, and put away childish (unworkable methods) to keep it.
It sounds like you have a lot of feelings to work through. One thing that is important is to get them out in the open and let them work themselves out. We will eventually cover this subject, and it will be interesting indeed.
Meanwhile those group hugs sure feel good don't they? A lot of them are for you.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved