2007-10-6 05:10:00
Johann writes:
"What I have been meaning to ask for some time now is that you have said that only at the third initiation a person can make a choice between the two sides but according to this there is another point on the path of lifetimes that you can make this very same choice.
"I doubt that Joe on Aeton was facing the third initiation, so what is up with this or how come that you can make the choice between the Brotherhood of Light and the Brotherhood of Darkness in two Places on the Path instead of just in one place, that is at the third initiation as previously given out?
"I don't think that he was facing the third initiation as a light worker on Aeton but failed it for as said in the book, the distinction between the two sides were blurry in his own mind."
We make thousands of decisions about light and dark, right and wrong before we face the great decision at the third initiation. Joe an Aeton was not yet close to the third degree but did get on the path as a first degree initiate near the end of his stay.
The difference between decisions of light and dark before the third initiation is passed and afterwards is this.
Before the third, but after the second the person may be pure in heart and as sincere as can be yet be deluded by illusion. Such illusion will cause many of his decisions to be incorrect even though in his heart he wants to do what is right. If he maintains a purity of intention he will discover his errors and correct them.
He cannot yet make a choice between the two paths because illusion creates a fog that blurs them and he cannot see them clearly. He may even be assisting the work of the dark brotherhood while deluded into thinking he is doing the opposite.
For example, take a look at the political debate going on with great intensity throughout this planet. Both sides have sincere intelligent people but when they both diametrically disagree you know they both cannot be right. Either they are both wrong or one is right and the other incorrect.
The one that is correct is usually not correct because the believer is a third degree initiate, but because his foundation beliefs that have been taught to him are correct. The initiate who is incorrect has illusionary foundation beliefs that he has not brought forth to the light of day.
Those sincere people who have not achieved the second initiation have a bigger problem. For them the ego and glamour is what deceives them. They are not yet close to solving the problems of illusion.
Only when the person approaches the third initiation and understands illusion can he then see the two paths and make an intelligent decision. The one who chooses the dark path sees how illusion works but cannot yield up his ego and selfish nature to higher will. Instead of rising above illusion he decides to use illusion to further selfish ends.
The one who chooses the right hand path sees illusion and sacrifices self to dispel it so it loses its power. He then ascends in consciousness to the intuitive plane.
Does this mean the third degree initiate is perfect and can never be deceived? Third degree initiates, and even those higher, are still regular human beings and have to assimilate data like the rest of us. You can pull a practical joke on an initiate like anyone else but when it comes to seeing how principles apply to the evolution of humanity and himself he is able to see the picture without illusion as long as he looks. None of us have looked all directions so correct angle of vision is important to the initiate.
Hope this helps. If I left anything unexplained let me know.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
Seven hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money to spend to try to get someone to talk to you and not get an answer.
That's how much the Heartland Institute, a Chicago-based libertarian think tank, has forked over in six months for advertisements in national newspapers trying to persuade Al Gore to debate one of its experts on global warming issues. "We have tried, repeatedly, to contact Gore directly, with registered letters and calls to his office, and have never received a reply," says Joseph Bast, Heartland president.
The Heartland case is not the first time Gore has ducked a forum. Earlier this year he canceled an interview with Denmark's largest newspaper when he learned it would include questions from Bjorn Lomborg, respected author of The Skeptical Environmentalist. "Gore's sermon is not one that will stand scrutiny," says Christopher C. Horner, another one of Heartland's debate candidates, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism.
Chicago Sun Times Oct 5, 2007
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