Re: Questions

2007-9-30 13:40:00

Concerning Dean's thinking his referenced site debunked the Popular Mechanics story JA writes:

"This site you pointed us to was very thin on logic and no I don't have to see the other documentaries for I bet the same workmanship also applies there and I have seen some, in the year 2006."


Dean has sent me many links in the past and numerous videos he insisted I watch even though he would not watch anything I would send him. I did watch about four+ hours worth of them and have checked out numerous conspiracy sites and have not found one piece of logic or data that pulls me a tenth as much weight as the logic and hard data that suggest that 911 happened pretty much as represented.

Dean's thinking represents the thinking of these conspiracy sites when he merely declares that the "Popular Mechanics" article has been debunked. These people operate on the idea that if they declare a thing then it is true.

As soon as The History Channel presented their special debunking 911 theories the conspiracy sites immediately began declaring that the whole special was discredited and the people involved were disqualified. The problem is I saw no evidence to back this up.

One thing that really irritates me about these conspiracy sites is that they rarely give primary sources. They will state something as a fact and then give no reference where I can check out what was really said or happened.

And who is the poster boy of conspiracy theory for 911? Steven Jones, not an engineer, but a theoretical physicist that knows more about quarks than he does about demolition.

I yearn for the good old conspiracy days when the John Birch Society actually gave credible references that could be verified. Because of the actual evidence presented back in the Sixties I accepted some of their claims to be true and the interesting thing is that the data retrieved from Soviet records after its fall have proven these beliefs correct. Overall I have had a pretty good track record of digging out the truth and having it verified.