2007-9-28 04:45:00
Ash quoting JJ:
"This was the my first attempt to write an article in hopes of being published. I was about 16 at the time and you can see that I was somewhat philosophical even way back then."
"There is actually a place for your writings to be published, well, your sci-fi ones at least-- and I use that term very loosely. Both the one about the robots, and the gambling Gods would be a good fit.
"The site is called intergalacticmedicineshow.com. It's run by Orson Scott Card, an active Mormon, but he definitely has an open mind when it comes to publishing creative stuff.
"He's already produced 5 volumes of the e-zine, and a lot of the stuff there is pretty good.
"It's not a huge readership, but it's growing with every issue. Might be a good way to get some writings out there.
Thanks for the suggestion and I will think about it but since my present and probably future writings are in an entirely different direction I'm not sure if I will do it. I wonder though if I could put my website at the end of the stories.
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