2007-9-25 06:17:00
Thanks for your comments Ruth and, Dean, this is one time I appreciate your comments. Both your praise and criticism is thoughtful and has merit. I wrote these when I was around 18-19 with the idea of becoming a published author. They were not accepted. I was told that "Gambling Gods" was good but was not sellable because it may offend some Christians.
The main person I studied for writing style was Ray Bradbury. I loved the way he put word pictures together and always left as much as possible to the imagination. My greatest inspiration for stories were my old comic books -- especially "Adventures into the Unknown" and "Forbidden Worlds." "Mad Magazine" was my favorite source of humor.
Another writer I really liked for science fiction was Fredrick Brown. He didn't have the style of Bradbury, but he really had an imagination.
One of my greatest disappointments in life is that after high school I have had very little time to write. It wasn't until I wrote The Immortal that I finally gained the discipline to write even though I had little time.
The disciple learns to make a way whether there is a way or not.
"Once a French nobleman said to St. Germain, 'I cannot even begin to understand the nonsense that surrounds you!'"
"St. Germain answered, 'It is not difficult to understand my nonsense if you will give it the same attention you give to your own, if you will read my reports with the same attention you give to the list of dancers at the court. But the problem is that the order of a minuet is of greater importance to you than the safety of the planet."
"In these words is contained the tragedy of our times. We find time without limit for all kinds of petty activities, but we do not find an hour for the most vital."
-- Agni Yoga, 451.
Copyright © 2007 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved