1999-6-5 23:43:00
Dave. Do not underestimate the power of your own writings and thoughts. I enjoy them immensely.
And Samu, your last post was brilliant, even better than your normal standard. It almost made me wonder if you were overshadowed. I guess a pause to reflect must be good for you, but don't be away from us for too long.
Your thoughts on diabetes show us that few problems, especially physical disease, have a simplistic black and white answer that fits all. If you got diabetes when you were forty or fifty, then looking for causes in this life would make sense. The fact that you got it when you were a child indicates that the cause has something to do with decisions and patterns established before you were born. Evidently, it is part of a learning process for you of which I am sure you agree.
Glenys, thank you for answering Jill's post exactly as I would have. The Oneness Principle is at work again.
Zina was offended with my following statement:
"This simplistic view works well as a teaching mechanism for the spiritual infants of the world who see God as an amplified Santa Claus, but there comes a time that the seeker realizes that the Santa Claus God is an illusion and wants a more logical reason behind the true disciplines and gifts of the Father/Mother/It God."
Even though I gave this in answer to one of your questions I did not mean to direct it at you, but I was trying to teach the general principle as it applies to all. I was not assuming that you saw God as an amplified Santa Claus.
It is interesting though to apply the law of correspondences to the idea of Santa Claus. Children are taught the illusionary belief that there is a real physical Santa Claus who brings gifts to all the "good" children of the world, but if you are "bad" then Santa Claus will have nothing for you. You may stand out among your friends as a bad kid because you received few or no gifts.
You go through several cycles of dealing with this illusion until you individualize enough to wake up and smell the coffee. You begin asking questions. "Dad, there are millions of kids in the world. How does Santa Claus visit them all?"
Dad gives an answer, but you are not satisfied with it.
"Mom, how does Santa Claus get into our house through such a small chimney?"
Mom gives an answer that shuts you up for a time, but still you wonder.
"Dad, why does my friend Jimmy get a lot better stuff than me when he got caught stealing from the grocery store and cheating in school? I've been a good kid and I get cheap stuff."
Dad gives an answer but now you're really getting uneasy. You're not satisfied with it.
"Mom, we saw three Santa Clauses today while shopping. Which one is the real one?"
"They're just helpers of the real Santa," says Mom.
"Well, I want to see the real one."
"He's up at the North Pole making toys."
"How does he make millions of toys?"
"He has lots of elves that help him."
"But the last Santa I talked to said he was the real one."
"Maybe you just got lucky then," smiled Mom.
You then look back at mom smiling and wonder. Are you being told the truth here or is there some type of scam going on? You decide to find out the truth once and for all. On Christmas Eve you sneak out of bed and hide in a closet with the door cracked open so you can see the Christmas tree and the chimney. You are going to catch Santa when he shows up and ask him some questions and get some straight answers.
You wait and wait and nothing seems to happen, but then finally you see some movement, but it is not Santa coming through a chimney. Instead it is Mom and Dad with presents in hand placing them under the tree.
You sit back and slap yourself on the side of the head. "I should have known", you think. "It all makes sense now. Mom and Dad is Santa Clause!
Why didn't I realize the truth after all the signs I saw? Why wasn't I able to put it all together?"
The interesting thing is that even though you discovered that you were in an illusion, you also found that the gifts of Christmas were not illusion. The gifts were real, but they materialized through a different process than you previously believed. You have now discovered a cause and effect that makes sense and this knowledge is actually more satisfying to your growing consciousness.
Now what is the correspondence here? As young souls, Santa Claus corresponds to God and we ask similar questions about Him. To our Reverend, Father, Pastor, Mom, Dad, or friends we ask:
"If God is all powerful and loving then why does He allow so much suffering?"
"How is God aware of me and billions of others all at the same time?"
"How does God find time to pay attention to me and billions of others at the same time?"
"Why do I only see God's helpers? I want to see the real God."
"Why do I have so many problems when I am a good guy and Jim lives in luxury when he is an SOB?"
"Why do I have to go to church when it is so boring and I don't learn anything?"
"How can God be everywhere all at the same time, yet be sitting on a throne in heaven?"
Finally, after a period of questioning you withdraw to your closet and open the door to your inner world and you see that the reality of the God you have been told about is no more real than Santa Claus. There is a source of all your gifts, but it is not as you supposed. In many ways it is better than you supposed because it is real.
Zina makes this comment about part of my post: "I found this a very interesting and insightful perspective. It is commenced with 'the Truth is'...about what God does...excellent. Only whose truth is it?"
If I say something like "The truth is..." it should be taken for granted by you that what I say may or may not be correct as indicated in my first 200 posts, where I did everything in my power to make you question all authority. The only way you will know for sure about the truth of what I say is to run it by your own souls. If your soul confirms it to you, then you should trust it; but if your soul does not, you must continue to question until the truth is revealed.
Zina asks:
"Whose truth is it?"
I AM BECOMING or 2+2=4. Whose truth is that? Can I say that I own 2+2=4 and Rick owns 4+4=8. No. Of course not. All truth belongs to all and is the exclusive property of none. When people use the phrase "my truth", they generally mean "my opinion". If we are honest with ourselves, we will see that the phrase "my truth" and "your truth" are illusionary statements.
Zina seems to think that thoughts are beyond cause and effect. "The truth is, I mean My truth is, whoops, I mean that which I see as truth, but that you may see as mumbo jumbo is: Thoughts and decisions are the beginning of cause which has produced the effect of the entire universe in which we live."
Again Zina asks:
"So is there a universe without Cause and Effect operating?"
The first cause was the DECISION of the One Life to reflect Itself to infinity and the first effect was the infinite reflections, you and me. To return to a universe without cause and effect is to return to a point where you and I do not exist. To say that you can live in a universe without cause and effect, is to say you can live in a universe where none of us even exist and that is an oxymoron.
I exist, therefore there is cause. I DECIDE therefore there is effect. To go where there is no cause and effect is to go to a place where you do not exist or have power to decide.
Zia continues:
"The Course in Miracles teaches that the only mistake (sin) that we made was to entertain the thought of separation for a split second... (not really even that long!!) and is not the law of Cause and Effect in line with that thought of separation, and when overcome, by oneness, there is no time and no separation, and potentially no Cause and Effect."
Both separation AND oneness are effects initiated by some cause.
"So if I don't use money I am in oneness?
The use of money is only one of millions of uses of cause and effect. To leave the world of cause and effect, you would have to cease the use of money and all the millions of other effects we see about us, are you ready? I am not.
"Well I have witnessed the appearing and disappearing of another physical being, so how did it occur? Isn't it beyond the laws of our physical 3 dimensional reality??!!"
No. Anyone capable of such a feat merely has understanding of the levers necessary to accomplish it through cause and effect. Even the raising of the dead is an effect of some cause. By the way, I think the group would like to hear more about this occurrence
"If this is not true, then what is the point to 'going home', becoming one with our creator?"
I have news for you. You can't go home.
Yes, yes, I know. That is what everyone says. Our purpose is to go home to God and live happily ever after in ultimate perfection. But I am not everyone and I don't go by what everyone says. I go by what is verified by my own soul, even though a Master comes and tells me otherwise.
The Dark Brothers want us to be happy with the doctrine of just BEING and then wrapping things up and returning home. This makes the people of the world much easier to control through scare tactics.
But when we realize that we are BECOMING beings, we discover the truth and the truth sets us free. Free to do what? Free to DECIDE for ourselves and BECOME that which we decide to become.
As we leave home in this world we change, expand and grow and when we return we find that the home we remember no longer exists. Everything has changed, but that is all right. In many ways everything is better than before. Besides we have created new homes that are even more satisfying than before.
There are many homes, or many mansions, in the spheres of God. As we BECOME we move away from one mansion home and on to another more joyous one.
"How do the children 'bend spoons', how do we walk on burning coals and not be burned, as many of us have? It is in the thought creation from a level of mind not under the limitations of THIS physical reality, perhaps because they did not make the laws of this physical reality the laws of their minds?"
"I may stand alone here as an absolute fool to all of you, it matters not.
"I have personally experienced too much, to be able to agree."
To the primitive man a person driving around in a car would seem like a god operating beyond cause and effect; but the truth is that the driver is using cause and effect in ways the primitive can't understand.
To the modern person driving in a car, the sight of a person walking on water is a miracle beyond cause and effect whereas, again, the initiator merely understands cause and effect better than he does.
You talk about "this physical reality". Any time we see an effect produced here; there is a cause that is linked to "here".
If we were totally operating in some other reality the effects would show up in that reality and would completely bypass this one.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved